Alibaba's stock listed in the United States fell on Wednesday (April 13). Previously, Softbank Group, led by Japanese billionaire Sun, has been reported to sell most of this Chinese technology giant.Stock.

The Financial Times on Wednesday (April 12) quoted the analysis of regulatory documents that SoftBank has sold about $ 7.2 billion (the same, about S $ 9.6 billion) through a prepaid forward contract this yearAlibaba's shares will eventually reduce its shareholding ratio to 3.8%.SoftBank Group also sold a large number of Alibaba shares held by prepaid long -term contract last year and cash out $ 22 billion.

SoftBank sells the price of its shareholding today is equivalent to the price when it was bought in 2014.

Affected by the above news, Alibaba's stock price fell nearly 6%during the conventional trading period on Wednesday and further fell by 1%in the post -plate transaction.

According to the Financial Times, SoftBank sells on the critical moment of this Japanese group, and the company is planning to let the British chip design company ARM go public, with a view to recover from a series of failed investment and unprecedented losses in the unprecedented losses.come over.For Alibaba, this will mean the retreat of its long -term supporters.

Sun Zhengyi was an e -commerce startup for Alibaba founder Ma Yunyi Wing Weiying more than 20 years ago. He led a round of $ 20 million in financing, thereby accumulating huge investment returns.