(Beijing Comprehensive News) A Chinese woman died after infection with H3N8 bird flu virus. This is the first case in the world to cause the virus to die infected.However, the World Health Organization evaluates that the virus is less likely to spread between people.

The World Health Organization reported on Tuesday (April 11) that the patient was a 56 -year -old woman from Guangdong Province, China.On February 22 this year, she was hospitalized on March 3 due to severe pneumonia and died on the 16th of the same month.

This is the third case of human infection with H3N8 bird flu virus.China reported two cases in April and May of 2022, one of them developed into critical illnesses, and the other was mild. Both may be ill because of direct or indirect contact with infected poultry.

The WHO said that the woman who died after the H3N8 bird flu virus died in the vegetable market before the onset of the disease.The results of the environmental sample testing collected from the patient's residence and the vegetable market showed that the samples of the vegetable market responded positive to the type A influenza (H3) virus.

The National Health and Health Commission of China reported the case to the WHO on March 27.During the report, the close contact with the case did not have symptoms of infection or disease.

WHO said that existing epidemiological and virus information shows that H3N8 bird flu virus does not have the ability to continue to spread among humans, so people are probably low.

Bloomberg quoted a statement of WHO saying that the infection was not caused by the fearful H5N1 bird flu virus, but still kept vigilant; the exact source of infection was still unknown.

In recent years, H5N1 bird flu virus has caused a large number of poultry and wild birds to die, and the virus has also showed the ability to spread between mammals.