Huang Xiaofang Beijing Special Commissioner

[email protected]

Scholars interviewees have analyzed that China has released a clear signal that supports platform enterprises to develop artificial intelligence technology. The official concept is to regulate the precedent to avoid brutal growth in the field of artificial intelligence.

After China issued a new draft of chat robots, the official media Economic Daily published a comment article emphasizing support for platform companies to show their skills, and said that the innovation attempts of platform companies should insist on tolerance and prudent supervision, so that enterprises have space and courage to explore.

Interviewed scholars analyzed that China has released a clear signal that supports platform enterprises to develop artificial intelligence technology. The official concept is to regulate the precedent of regulation and avoid the absence of brutal growth in the field of artificial intelligence.

The Economic Daily published a review article signed on Wednesday (April 12) to encourage platform companies to enhance confidence, bold exploration, and continuous innovation. It also said that relevant departments should actively create a good environment and create a larger space for platform enterprises to develop.

This article entitled to support platform enterprises to show its skills in its skills that platform enterprises are an important part of the private economy and played a positive role in economic and social development.

At the end of last year, ChatGPT, who was born in the United States at the end of last year, ignited China's artificial intelligence chat robot competition. Following Baidu Wenxin, Shang Tang and Alibaba also released chat robots this Monday and Tuesday (April 10th and 11th)Products and Tongyi Qianwen.However, on the same day of Tongyi Qianwen, the China National Internet Information Office issued a draft draft of the management of artificial intelligence services to publicly solicit feedback from the public.

The draft proposes that before providing a format artificial intelligence service to the public, the enterprise must declare a security assessment to the online information department; the content of the production should reflect the core values of socialism.content.

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The feedback deadline of the draft opinion is May 10, which means that the management of artificial intelligence services for generation is likely to be landed within months.

This draft has attracted great attention from the outside world. In the past two years, the antitrust measures of the platform economy have caused investors' confidence to frustrate; public opinion is worried that the development of China's artificial intelligence field may brake urgently or face strict supervision again.In the context of the Hang Seng Index's overall decline in the past two days, Alibaba, Shangtang and Baidu, which recently released chat robot products, have fallen more than the overall level of the market, falling 4.33%, 13.42%, and 2.9%, respectively.

The Economic Daily commented on to appease market confidence, showing that China's special rectification of platform economic rectification is to promote development by regulating, rather than interrupt development and curb development.With the basically completion of the special rectification, the awareness of platform compliance has improved significantly, the normalized regulatory system has gradually improved, and the economic development of the platform has ushered in a new stage and facing new opportunities.

The comments say that while normalized supervision, the innovative attempts of platform enterprises will insist on tolerance and prudent regulatory attitude, so that they have space and courage to explore.The comment emphasizes that some platform companies have begun to try new business. They should introduce iron while they are hot and introduce relevant support policies to motivate platform companies to restore vitality and drive the overall economic recovery.

In addition to China, the United States Biden Government has also begun to study whether it is necessary to review artificial intelligence tools such as ChatGPT; Italy has issued a ChatGPT ban; France, Spain, Germany and other countries have also considered stricter supervision of chat robots.

Xie Dongming, the research director of the Greater China Research of Singapore, accepted an analysis during an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that many countries have proposed to strengthen the supervision of chat robot -related technologies.EssenceHowever, platform companies are obviously the main force of China's creation employment and stimulating the economy. The development of this field is very important to China. There may not be contradictions between the supervision and development of artificial intelligence.

Wang Jun, chief economist of Huatai Assets, studied and judged that China ’s regulatory concept of generating artificial intelligence is to regulate first to avoid brutal growth in the future. HoweverThe laws, and strengthen communication with the market and enterprises to avoid misjudgment and over -intervention.