The World Health Organization reported that a woman in China has become the first death case of H3N8, a rare bird flu. It also emphasizes that the virus strain does not show signs of the spread of the crowd.

According to Reuters, the World Health Organization issued a statement late at night on Tuesday (April 11) that the deceased is a 56 -year -old Guangdong woman.People; the first two cases reported last year that all three deaths were in China.

The World Health Organization said that the woman has other chronic diseases and has a history of living poultry contact.

The World Health Organization also said that the vegetable market that she visited before the onset was inspected the inspection of the A -type flu (H3) and hinted that it might be the source of infection.

However, the World Health Organization emphasized that no other infection cases were found in intimate contact objects of death cases.

The World Health Organization said in a statement: "According to existing information, this virus does not seem to have the ability to spread easily in the crowd. Therefore, as far as the country, region or international levelNot high. "