Chen Wenling, General Economic Master of the China International Economic Exchange Center, said on Tuesday (April 11) that it is not right for young people to have children. Children are long -term consumer goods.consumer goods.

Comprehensive Sina Finance and Elephant News reports, Chen Wenling said on a keynote speech at the 2023 China International Consumer Products Expo said that the house is a long -term consumer product, the car is a long -term consumer product, and the food, clothing, housing, and transportation currently purchased.It is a period of consumer goods.According to the behavior economics of Becker economists, children are also consumer products. Children are long -term consumer goods and can bring you durable consumer goods that can bring you long -term returns.

She said, so it is wrong to be young people without having children. You do not have a long period of durable consumer goods. His value is more than the value of your purchase of other consumer goods.

Chen Wenling's saying immediately triggered discussions on the Internet. "Experts suggest that young people are not having children is wrong." Related topics rush on Weibo.Many Chinese netizens did not buy this remark, and left a message in the comment area: "Young people are not good to deceive", "It is recommended that experts say more."