In the past two weeks, the news of the US electric vehicle giant Tesla President Musk will continue to spread in China.Sources said that in addition to meeting business partners and Shanghai officials, Musk will also seek to meet with the new Prime Minister of the State Council of China.

As of press time, the news of Musk's visit to China has not been confirmed, but Tesla did give China a great gift mdash; mdash;EssenceThis Tesla's first energy storage super factory outside the United States is expected to be opened one year later, which will further consolidate China's position in the global energy storage chain.

Musk's last visit to China was when Tesla's first Shanghai Super Factory was completed in early 2020. At that time, he interacted with Li Qiang, then the Secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China.To persuade Musk to establish Tesla's first overseas factory in Shanghai, driving the development of the Shanghai economy and China's electric vehicle industry, it is also regarded as one of the main political achievements in the Shanghai period of Li Qiang.

In addition to the Teslaga investment, Li Qiang's first month of the prime minister, another incident that boosted the market confidence: Ma Yun, the founder of e -commerce giant Alibaba, returned to Hangzhou, China, China.The news of Ma Yun's return to China has made investors feel excited, and many Internet sector stocks, including Alibaba, rose on the same day.

Reuters quoted five people familiar with the matter and said that Ma Yun did not want to return to China, but Li Qiang continued to persuade him to return to China since the end of last year, including the business partner who sent Jack Ma to Japan to persuade Jack Ma at the time.The analysis believes that Ma Yun's return to China is a voter for the new government led by Li Qiang, and it has a great bonus effect on the new and businessmen showed by the new government.

It is unknown whether Tesla Construction Factory and Jack Ma's return to China is really promoted by Li Qiang.It is certain that these two incidents are highly consistent with the work direction of the new Prime Minister after taking office.According to public reports, Li Qiang hosted three executive meetings of the State Council in the past month, two of them focused on economic work; he went to Hunan and Hainan to learn about the progress of advanced manufacturing and free trade ports.The home representative promises that China will unswervingly expand the opening of the opening hellip; hellip;

During this period, Li Qiang also delivered a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the Boao Asia Forum in Hainan 2023, and completed the international forum of the Prime Minister's identity.In his speech, he shouted to the confidence of many national dignitaries, economic experts and business leaders at the scene, emphasizing that the momentum and trend of China's economic growth were strong, and the positive signal of the Chinese economic recovery was released.

Behind the growth of the new prime minister, the growth of the Chinese economy is the difficulty of recovering the difficulty of internal and external problems.Under the influence of multiple factors such as epidemic prevention and sealing, weak domestic demand, and downturn in the property market, the Chinese economy only increased by 3%last year, and for the first time in many years, it was far lower than the official goal.How to revitalize the Chinese economy in the post -epidemic era is the primary task of Li Qiang's government.

In the past three years, the export industry of China's economic growth engine is expected to go off with the global economy this year.To this end, the new government must rely on domestic demand to find the driving force for new economic growth.This requires boosting confidence in the private economy, attracting more foreign capital to enter, and promoting the transformation and upgrading of the economic structure. This is the three fires of the new Prime Minister's first month.

Li Qiang has long worked in the eastern coastal areas and has rich experience in economic management.He has been in the capital of Wenzhou, the capital of the businessman, and also served as the governor of Zhejiang Province and the secretary of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee.The close connection with entrepreneurs, the style of business and business, is the advantage of his leading economic work.

Compared with former Li Keqiang, Li Qiang also has another advantage: gain deeply and official trust in China.As one of the new generals of the Jiangjiang Army, Li Qiang's career has a close intersection with Chinese officials.The outside world believes that Li Qiang is still promoted to the Prime Minister under the shadow of Shanghai Fengcheng, breaking the practice of being the Vice Prime Minister who has served as the Vice Premier since Zhou Enlai, which has nothing to do with the Chinese official's high trust in him.

Getting trust is expected to allow Li Qiang to gain more space in policy implementation and reduce the dispute over the North and South Courts of Zhongnanhai.However, some people are worried that it is difficult for him to make independent decisions, which makes the State Council's Chinese economy at the helm of the Chinese economy downgraded as the executive of the highest level of the Communist Party of China.

In the past three years, the decision -making layers have hit hard punching in the fields of the Internet, education, entertainment, have greatly frustrated private enterprise confidence; strict epidemic prevention policies have severely blocked foreign companies' operations.How much can Li Qiang's commitment to private enterprises and foreign capital be achieved when private entrepreneurs move out and the transnational company will move out of the production base?

On the other hand, compared with Li Keqiang as the Prime Minister, China has faced the domestic and foreign environment, which has brought more complicated and difficult problems to Li Qiang and its new government.

Last month, Deloitte, one of the four major international accounting firms, was fined more than 210 million yuan (about 40.72 million yuan) and the Beijing Branch of more than 210 million yuan (about 40.72 million yuan) and the Beijing branch.This has made Chinese state -owned enterprises stop the four major rumors, and has also exacerbated international investors' concerns about the risk of decoupling.

With the continuous heating up in the Sino -US opposition, can Li Qiang be able to insist that no matter how changes in the international situation, will China unswervingly expand to open to the public?

How to make bold decisions while fulfilling the mission of loyalty and gaining a balance between opening up and maintaining national security between the outside world is a test of Li Qiang.The three fires after the new Prime Minister took office clearly, but how long it can be burned and how long it can be burned depends on how deep the helmsman is.