Henan, Hubei, and other places have issued announcements on adjusting the deposit interest rate on the deposit interest rate since April, and lowered some regular deposit listing interest rates.

According to the Securities Daily reported on April 12, the official public account of the Rural Commercial Bank of Xinxian County, Henan Province, from April 8th, one -year, two -year, and three -year storageThe deposit interest rate was adjusted to 1.9%, 2.4%, and 2.85%, respectively.The reporter learned from the staff of the bank that before the adjustment, the above -mentioned three -stage limited deposit interest rates were 2.25, 2.7%, and 3.3%, respectively.

Jiaozuo Jiefang Rural Commercial Bank also issued an announcement saying that starting from April 8, the interest rate of the first -year, two -year, and three -year period is adjusted to 1.9%, 2.4%, and 2.4%, and respectively.2.85%, other period interest rates remain unchanged.In the past six months, the bank has adjusted the deposit interest rate twice.

According to the Times Weekly, the reporter sorted out and found that some agricultural commercial banks in Hubei and other places also lowered the deposit interest rate, including Hubei Wuxue Agricultural Commercial Bank, Hubei Huangmei Agricultural Commercial Bank, and Luotian Rural Commercial Bank, Hubei.

Small and medium -sized banks have reduced deposit interest rates, which are related to the narrowing of net interest rate differences and the cost of compressed liabilities.CITIC Securities Chief Economist clearly pointed out in an interview with the Securities Daily that under the background of financial support for the real economy, the loan interest rate has declined significantly.The deposit interest rate is needed to reduce the cost of liabilities.

In the future, the trend of bank deposit interest rates is clearly believed that the current deposit interest rate of small and medium -sized banks still has room for reduction.Last year, the economic decline and the volatility of the capital market led to the continuous expansion of preventive savings in residents, while corporate financing demand fell. The banking sector accumulated a large number of excess savings, which was reflected in the year -on -year growth rate of deposit loans.Since the beginning of this year, the economic recovery has gradually recovered the demand for social financing. In the first half of the year, the pressure of bank credit investment may have risen. However, considering that the current bank liabilities reserves are sufficient and the necessity of maintaining high interest rates is not strong. This is the deposit interest rate.Potential reduction provides space.