Some people in Shanghai have reported that the six people spent 6,800 yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 1,300) per day on the same day.Local management departments complained.In response, the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of Shanghai Jing'an District responded that the food suppliers of restaurants would be checked and arranged for mediation.

According to the Chinese media " · Zong Xiang News" reported on Saturday (April 8), Mr. Wang, a citizen, reported on April 5 that he and his wife, and the other four on March 23 in ShanghaiCustomers who dine a restaurant called "Ultraviolet by Paul Pault" near the Bund. A few days after the meal, symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea appeared.

According to Mr. Wang, six people have symptoms similar to acute gastroenteritis within two days of dining.He reflected the problem to the restaurant on March 25, and received an English email response from the restaurant four days later (March 29) that the incident was "have nothing to do with the restaurant."Mr. Wang said that he was very dissatisfied with the restaurant's attitude and facilitated complaints with the local market supervision department on March 30.

Mr. Wang also published on March 31 on the video website, and there are currently more than 200,000 playback volume.He said in the video that no matter how sought after a restaurant, if you can't even do food safety, "then don't participate in the Michelin or Black Pearl list to let everyone spend money to suffer."

It is reported, The staff of the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of Shanghai Jing'an District responded to Mr. Wang on April 3 that the restaurant involved had changed the menu on March 25.Continue to check the food suppliers and arrange for both parties to conduct a face -to -face mediation.

The staff of the Shanghai Jing'an District Supervisory Bureau also told the Chinese media that whether it is a restaurant with a per capita consumption of 6,000 yuan or a small restaurant, the municipal supervisory bureau is very concerned about the unwell situation after the meal.However, the staff also pointed out that the best survey time for food poisoning is 72 hours. It has been nearly a week when receiving a complaint, and investigation needs to be investigated to restore the situation at the time.

Internet data shows that "Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet" is the only Samsung Restaurant in the 2023 Shanghai Michelin Guide, and also selected the gourmet list of "Asia 50 Best Restaurant".The restaurant comments website shows that the average restaurant consumes 6,000 yuan per capita, and the appointment procedure is quite complicated.