The chairman of the Communist Party of Japan and the husband urged the Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Kishi to stabilize Japan -China relations and further strengthen diplomacy.

According to the Kyodo News Agency, Japan's Prime Minister Kishita Kishita met with his husband as a member of the Communist Party of Japan on Thursday (March 30) in the Congress, accepting the other party to urge himEssenceKishida said that he will be committed to diplomacy and build a constructive and stable Japanese -China relations.

According to the proposal, Japan -China relations are currently "various tensions and oppositions, which should be deeply worried."The aspirations and husbands require the Japanese government to honestly perform the confirmation of the 2008 joint statement that does not constitute the threat, and states that the 2014 consensus that avoids unexpected events in the East China Sea.

The aspiring and husband emphasized in the talks that it is important to include the framework of East Asian countries without excluding specific countries.Kishida mentioned that the relevant Chinese departments detained Japanese men and said that "China has been required to release it as soon as possible."

At the press conference after the talks, the aspirations and husbands said: "This is a proposed proposal that both may accept and have a active treatment of the Prime Minister."