Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang gave a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the Boao Asia Forum 2023 Annual Meeting.Positive signal of economic recovery.

This is the first time that Li Qiang has officially served as the Prime Minister of China in early March.In his speech on Thursday (March 30), he explained the meaning of China's development to the world: "In uncertain events, China's certainty is the mainstay of maintaining world peace and development."

Li Qiang said that no matter what kind of changes in the world, China will always adhere to reform and opening up, innovation -driven, not only injecting new motivation and vitality for the entire world economic development, but also allowing countries around the world to share the opportunities and development of China's development and development.dividend.

Affected by the ups and downs, weak consumption, and downside of real estate, the Chinese economy only increased by 3%last year.In the post -epidemic era, the Chinese government set the economic growth goals this year earlier this month at a relatively conservative 5%, which once affected market confidence.

However, Li Qiang said that the Chinese economy has shown a good trend in the first two months of this year. The situation in March will be better than January and February, and major economic indicators such as consumer investment will continue to improve.Keep good.

He shouted to the confidence of many national dignitaries, economic experts and business leaders present that many international organizations have raised expectations for China's economic development, and "reality is more convincing than our statistics."

Li Qiang also uses the Boao Asia Forum to host the place of Hainan Province as an example, referring to the continuous hot sales of local tourists such as weaving and outlying islands.Noodles, as well as scientific effectiveness of China's economic and social development policy and measures.

Li Qiang: To achieve greater development of Asia, never raising a war

He also promised again that China will continue to expand market access, optimize the business environment, and optimize the institutional environment of state -owned enterprises' dare to work, private enterprises, and foreign companies.Li Qiang said: "We are confident and capable of promoting the giant wheel of the Chinese economy to break the waves and stabilize, and make greater contributions to the development of the world economy."

Li Qiang also talked about the prospects of Asia in about 25 minutes.He emphasized that in the future, in Asia to achieve greater development, we must not be chaotic or war, otherwise they will break their future.

He calls for always adhere to good neighborhood and friendship, adhere to the central position of Asia's detailed cooperation in East Asia, coexist with the crisis and coexistence, and to ensure that Asia is long -lasting, peaceful and stable.

On the occasion of China and the United States, Li Qiang also reiterated that he opposed the abuse of unilateral sanctions and long -arm jurisdictions, opposed the side stations, group confrontation and the new cold war, and insisted on solving the differences and disputes between the country in a peaceful way.

This year's Boao Forum for Asia has resumed the full offline offline after the three -year epidemic, and more than 2,000 representatives in more than 50 countries and regions participated.Singapore Prime Minister Lee Xianlong, Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar, Spanish Prime Minister Sanchez, Kotda Prime Minister Ah, and Gloerkeva, president of the International Monetary Fund, attended the annual meeting.