A dark skin dark skin dark skin.The 60 -year -old man in the desert collapsed and hoeed for help on Wednesday (March 29) on the Internet.According to Chinese media reports, the elderly contracted 10,000 acres of deserted sandy beaches and trees, but was destroyed by the local coal mines.

The old man who controlled the trees was stuck around the coal mine factory, and for a while, the netizens were angry.The Chinese official media Central Guangwang also issued a post the next day calling on the local area to investigate.

Shalin and Coal Mine Factory

According to the Beijing Youth Daily, the man who kneeling on the ground in the video was called Sun Guoyou, and 20 years ago, he contracted the Majia family in Lingwu City, Ningxia.The 10,000 acres of deserted beaches in the town of the beach was sandwiched, but it was destroyed by the local Shuangma coal mines.The two parties later reached an agreement. Coal mines will supply water to the forest farm after the sewage treatment plant is completed, but it has not effectively solved the problem of water shortage in the forest farm.

Until recently, the forest farm water supply pipeline is connected to the external water discharge pipeline of the Shuangma Coal Mine Sewage Treatment Plant. It was originally planned to achieve water supply in the forest farm at 10 am on March 27.I took over the technicians and rented the generator and other machinery and equipment. More than a dozen workers waited, but on the morning of the morning, they failed to achieve water supply.

So there was a scene of the crash of Sun Guoyou crying in the video.In the interview, he also said that at the time, he had prepared wind -proof seedlings such as Shaliu, Chinese locust, and asbestos and wood. Now these saplings may be "thirsty" because of lack of water.


The collapse of Sun Guoyou's collapse has attracted the attention of netizens. The official had to respond. A staff member of the Malaysan Town Government stated on March 28 that the relevant leaders of Lingwu City and the town are coordinating in the forest farm coordination in the forest farm coordination.Treatment of this matter.

The staff of the local water company responded on the same day that the water quality treatment of the mining sewage treatment plant has reached the standard, but the salt of water is too high, which is not conducive to pouring trees.

By noon on March 29, China Energy Group Ningxia Coal Industry Co., Ltd. Shuangda Yiming issued a notice saying that the netizen Sun Moumou released a video of "asking me to supply water for its forest land"Treating the attention of netizens.The company attaches great importance to it. At present, it is negotiating with Sun Moumou on water supply. Related issues are being verified, and the relevant situation will be announced to the society in a timely manner.

This notice is also equipped with a photo of Sun Guoyou talks to the company's personnel in the conference room, which seems to be relatively eased.

Ningxia Coal Industry Co., Ltd.Ma Yiming issued a notice and talks with Sun Guoyou.(双马一矿公号)

就在网民以为此事或能得到协商解决时,自称“沙二代”的孙国友女儿次日凌晨发视频指出,“没错,是Sit on that table, but there is no clear or feasible solution about water supply. "Then she said with a cry that the crying video she was photographed the day before was "in the face of the scaredness of the giant beast."

The video of Sun Guoyou's daughter made public opinion quickly back. The local department was questioned "swinging" and "kicking the ball". He just wanted to block the mouth of netizens instead of trying to solve the problem.

Sun Guoyou's daughter posted the next morning the next morning the next morning the next morning the next morning the next morning the next morning the next morning the next morning the next morning the next morning the next morning the next morning the next morning the next morning.The video said that the problem was not resolved.(Video interception)

official media vocalization

After two days of fermentation, the topic of Weibo appeared on Weibo hot search.China Official Media Central Guangwang issued a comment article on Thursday (March 30) in the morning: "Coal mines destroyed the water source of 10,000 acres of forest farms, causing 10,000 acres of Shalin to be destroyed."Is there such a matter for the promise of water supply for forest farms on the 27th? "Water company said that" too high salt is not conducive to pouring trees ". Is this reliable saying?

The article calls on the local area to restore the truth with an objective and fair investigation as soon as possible, and give the forest owner and the public an explanation.

The article says that the 10,000 acres of forest farms are ordered to hang a line due to the damage of water. This is not the same.Not only is it concerned about the 20 -year effort of the forest master, but also the local ecological environmental protection, but also the effectiveness of China's sand control.

It is worth noting that Yangguang.com also mentioned that the mining involved has long been ahead, and the dispute between it and the forest farm was reported as early as 2014.

CCTV News was reported on the title of Ningxia Shenhua Hua Ning Coal Coal Mine.A total of 1817 acres of sandwich forests contracted by Sun Guoyou were illegally occupied by Shuangma Coal Mine, of which the forest land area was 1443.5 acres.

Report also pointed out that Shuangma Coal Mine was invested and constructed by Shenhua Ningxia Coal Industry Group Co., Ltd.. The nature of the enterprise is state -owned. The planned mine is 8 million tons per year.The large -scale mine, but today (April 2014) has not obtained a necessary administrative license to legally minimize coal resources, "such a large state -owned coal mine" turned out to be unprepared first '. "

The iconic "sand control character"

According to Red Star News, Sun Guoyou is a famous "sand control character" in Ningxia Lingwu.He and his wife from Sichuan went to Ningxia in 1980, and by 2000, he was a well -known local rich.

In 2003, Sun Guoyou unexpectedly found that there were groundwater in the local area when he built a road near the desert near Majia Beach, Lingwu City, Ningxia, so they started planting trees in the desert.

The couple's deeds have been reported by many local media in China.Among them, Guangzhou Daily mentioned in the report of the couple's 16 -year -old -acre desert in 2019 that Sun Guoyou invested more than 10 million yuan (RMB, the same below, the same, 10 million yuan, about S $ 1.93 million, about S $ 1.93 million), In the 18,000 acres of desert, only 3,000 acres did not plant trees.

孙国友(左)和妻子In the first program of Shandong Satellite TV in January this year (Internet)

In the Shandong Satellite TV Township Interview program broadcast early in January this year, Sun Guoyou also brought his wife on the screen to tell him about graduating from Qingdao Agriculture in Qingdao AgricultureAfter receiving the invitation of the five companies, the daughter of the university chose to inherit his father's sand control career and follow Sun Guoyou to control the sand.

Wind direction reverse?

However, when Sun Guoyou was admired and praised by netizens as the iconic character of sand control, a news that "Sun Guoyou Sand Temporary Company has been revoked" on Thursday was on the hot search on Thursday.

This news quoted the company to investigate the app. It shows that there are six companies under the name of Sun Guoyou. The industry involves the wholesale industry, retail, forestry, housesThe construction industry, the earliest establishment time was March 1999.

The company's inspection information shows that Sun Guoyou and his wife Wu Jinming jointly hold three companies, of which Ningxia Wolf Horse Ecological Construction Development Co., Ltd. has been revoked.The company was established in 2014 with a registered capital of 120 million yuan. The scope of business includes: comprehensive development of ecological agriculture; sand prevention and sand control; agricultural product sales, etc.

This caused some netizens to question, thinking that Sun Guoyou actually did the commercial forest project, but now it makes the public think that he has done a public welfare project to sympathize with the blog.

There are also big V pointed out that Sun Guoyou not only planted sand prevention in the local area, but also some corn and 500 cows, which are a large water household.However, the problem is that Ningxia is lacking in water. To feed this large tall tree and small farms, it is bound to tilt water resources to it.

However, many netizens insist on supporting Sun Guoyou, saying that as long as he does have a kind of tree cure, the profitable and profitable should not be the focus, and the mine does break the contract first.Essence

When the public opinion is divergent, the Chinese official media published a very short comment article on Thursday afternoon.This article entitled "Ganlin, a public opinion in the shortage of water", stating that according to the Chinese referee document network, the disputes between the two parties have a long history.The Central Plains Committee, right and wrong of this time, is not clear.

The article says, "the more messy the network information is, the more urgent the situation, the more local departments need to investigate the truth in a timely manner."Make all kinds of rumors, or even the fire of rumors burned.

The dispute between the forest farm and the mine is really doubtful, and it takes time to clarify, but can those forests that urgently need water sources wait until the day when Gan Lin arrives?