New Prime Minister Li Xianlong called on Asian countries to establish a close, intertwined relationship network to promote cooperation and make each other interdependence instead of establishing a "central radiation" model.

Li Xianlong, who was visiting China on Thursday (March 30) at the opening ceremony of the Boao Forum for Forum 2023, emphasized that in addition to strengthening relations with China, Asian countries must deepen their cooperation between each other.

Like other regions, Asia is also affected by global turbulence and geopolitical tension, including the epidemic of crown disease and the invasion of Ukraine in Russia;

He said that any conflict between big powers will bring very serious consequences to himself and the entire world. The United States and China currently have differences in many difficult issues.

The world strongly feels the impact of these tensions. In this global background, Li Xianlong called on Asian countries to continue to promote economic cooperation and friendly relations between China and regional countries.

He said that for the vast majority of Asian countries, China has become their largest trading partner country. China wants to promote economic integration. Other Asian countries are willing to cooperate, and Singapore and China continue to maintain friendly relations.

Li Xianlong also reminded that in order to make the economic cooperation between China and Asian countries stronger and stronger, everyone must establish a sound overall relationship to jointly cultivate mutual trust and promote regional stability.

He pointed out that many countries must solve many bilateral and regional topics."We should adhere to the spirit of goodwill and cooperation, deal with these topics in a peaceful way and in accordance with international law. We must also take into account the positions and interests of all large and small countries."

Li Xianlong said that the interests of various countries sometimes have differences and cause problems with bilateral relations. This is difficult to avoid. When problems occur, they must ensure that economic and trade relations are exempted from affected, and they are dedicated to the people's well -being.

Li Xianlong also urged all Asian countries to deepen their cooperation.He advocates that countries should establish a close and intertwined relationship network to promote cooperation and make each other interdependence, rather than establishing a "central radiation" model, so as to make the region stronger and more tough.

In his speech, Li Xianlong emphasized the role of Yaxian in the region.He said that in Southeast Asia, Asian'an is an important organization to promote cooperation. A member states of Asians are systematically strengthening the integration between each other; maintaining the core position of Asia's detailed Asian countries and countries outside Asia to establish contacts.

Li Xianlong also takes Cross Pacific Partnership Agreement (CPTPP), Indo -Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF), and Digital Economic Partnership Agreement (DEPA) as an example. As an example, there are many other regional mechanisms in Asia, which has a complementary role; different ones; different ones;The mechanism helps to establish a tough and intertwined cooperation network between Asian countries."These regional organizations deepen the connection between Asia and other regions, so that partners outside Asia also have the peace and prosperity of Asia."