For a large number of "swings" videos in the Douyin APP, Douyin released an announcement saying that those who did not marker would be punished by banned words and even the title.

Douyin Safety Center issued a announcement on Thursday (March 30) about updating the "Plot Interpretation" video creation specifications, stating that some plot video works are in the process of dissemination, due to misunderstandings caused by lack of context,It was mistaken for real events, which caused adverse effects on netizens and creators.In addition, there are also very individual creators trying to use false people, plots, scenes, props, etc. to make false information, highlighting the opposition or conflict effect, thereby achieving the purpose of incorrect traffic or even realization.

The announcement states that in order to further strengthen the governance of false phenomena, avoid incorrect interpretation of content creation, and serve the needs of creators to produce and spread normal interpretation of the content of the plot."The content creation rules of the type of work require the creator to create and publish fictional content through the plot interpretation method, and the interpretation of the work department needs to be marked in a remarkable position to avoid misunderstandings.

If the work is not indicated "interpretation" or "fiction", the public and news media will be misunderstood. The platform will be strictly disposed of.Punishment such as endless periods.

In addition, while actively labeling and effectively displayed the external display, the plot creation works still need to comply with the Douyin Community Convention, including but not limited to: must not include false charity, false sales, etc.Do not contain illegal or bad content such as vulgarity, violence, discrimination.

The above -mentioned content creation rules have begun trial operation, and will be officially effective from May 1, 2023.