Miao Zonghan report

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Ma Ying -jeou launched a visit to Wuhan on the 30th. A discussion of Wuhan University students who was originally scheduled to be held on the 31st was held until the afternoon of the day, and a number of original schedules were canceled.

With the group media at noon on the 30th, Song Tao will meet with Ma Ying -jeou in the evening, saying that Song Tao will accompany Ma Ying -jeou to Hunan to worship his ancestors.

Zhao Chunshan, an honorary professor at the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Relations at Tamkang University in Taiwan, was the think tank of cross -strait policy during the period of Ma Ying -jeou.In an interview with this newspaper, he pointed out that this arrangement reflects Beijing's "low -key courtesy" for Ma Ying -jeou's trip.

In the meeting, although the two sides did not speak and unified, they both mentioned the commonality of both sides of the strait, as well as blood, culture, and history.

In the discussion, Song Tao focused on the two sides of the strait, and after all, he would reunite to achieve national rejuvenation together; Ma Ying -jeou emphasized that cross -strait should be peaceful and avoiding war.Ma Ying -jeou also reiterated that "the authentic ninety -two consensus" was the Cross -Strait and the two sides of the strait on November 16, 1992, and reached a consensus on "each of which each sides of the Taiwan Strait adheres to the Chinese principle".

Professor Zuo Zhengdong, a professor at the Department of Political Science of Taiwan University, pointed out that the two sides euphemistically guarding their bottom lines, which are the commonality of the two sides of the strait and maintain peace on both sides of the strait.