Fu Cong, the head of the Chinese EU, said in an exclusive interview that the China -Europe Investment Agreement is currently shelved due to sanctions. While the Chinese parties proposed to the European party to terminate sanctions, they also held an open attitude towards other European parties.Consider equal and mutually beneficial solutions.

According to the official website of the Chinese EU, the DIPLOMATIC World magazine published on Tuesday (March 28), the head of the Chinese envoy Fu CongInterview with Barbara Dietrich.

In response to whether the European -China Investment Agreement is thawed in the short period of thawing whether it is optimistic, if the agreement is approved and executed, what good questions will bring to Europe and China.It is a balanced, high -level, mutually beneficial and win -win agreement reached by the two parties after seven years and 35 rounds of negotiations.Both sides show a considerable flexibility, providing high -level market access opportunities for enterprises on both sides.

He said that in terms of China, China has made a market access commitment for all industries for the first time. So far, it has the highest level of opening up.The fields of services and medical services can largely solve the concerns of the Economic community in the European party to a large extent.

He also said that the two parties also reached an agreement on subsidizing transparency, state -owned enterprises, and prohibiting compulsory technology transfer, which is conducive to providing enterprises with a fair, expected and transparent business environment.In addition, the two parties have also been incorporated into the important commitment of sustainable development in the agreement.It should be said that this agreement is a significant benefit to both economic circles, which is conducive to raising Sino -European economic and trade relations to a new level.

Fu Cong pointed out that it is regrettable that the agreement is currently shelved due to sanctions."I don't want to trace history anymore, and discuss who is right and wrong in sanctions, because this discussion will not have a result."

He said: "We should look forward, I have been to the European sideColleagues have proposed to relieve sanctions at the same time, and also have an open attitude towards other European parties. As long as it is a solution based on equality and mutual benefit, we are willing to consider.This agreement has a huge potential for promoting China -Europe cooperation. I also have to emphasize that this agreement is mutually beneficial and win -win.