Gao Fu, former director of the China Disease Prevention and Control Center, said that the popularity of crown disease has ended, and people can return to normal life.But don't have coronary phobia and neglect at this time.

According to the China News Agency, it is also the above statement at the Boao Asia Forum on Wednesday (March 29) at the Boao Forum on Wednesday (March 29).

The World Health Organization defined in March 2020 as crown diseases into a global epidemic, and it has not yet announced that it has ended for three years.But after more than three years, the world finally had the opportunity to truly enter the era of epidemic.Although the coronal virus has not completely disappeared, people are trying to return to normal life.This year's Boao Asia Forum Annual Meeting is fully held in a offline way, which is one of the examples.

Gao Fu believes that the participants of the Boao Forum for Asia's 2023 annual meeting were not asked to wear a mask, indicating that the epidemic was actually very close to the end.At this stage, don't be afraid of crown disease, nor do you ignore the crown disease.For those who take vaccines or replenish pins in the future, vaccination still needs to be vaccinated.

The epidemic has reached the end, and many people are still troubled by the sequelae of "long crown disease".Gao Fu believes that people usually rely on common sense and knowledge to understand things, but for the first time facing coronary virus, sometimes common sense or existing knowledge does not work, and further research is required.This requires people to objectively respect the facts of existence, and subjectively need to cooperate with unity.

Rave Johnson, chairman of Astra Corporation, said: "There are many lessons learned in the popularia of crown disease, and one of them is the cooperation."

ScripturesIn this epidemic, every country is considering how the public health system responds to future challenges.Leif Johnson believes that based on the research progress of scientists in the past three years, if the next popularity occurs again, pharmaceutical companies can quickly develop more effective vaccines.

Director of the Medical Center of the Rigla Medical Center in Switzerland, the chairman of the Physics Foundation of the Switzerland and the Republic of the Central African Republic, Schostrader noticed that during the epidemic, medical staff played a key role in implementing public health policies.He suggested to establish a corresponding platform to make health workers a connection point between the public and decision makers.

Gao Fu suggested that when improving and reshaping the public health system, we should focus on the two keywords of "public" and "health" to enhance the public's public health awareness based on respecting science.