Japanese media reported that Gongming Party, a member of the Japanese ruling alliance, plans to send members of parliament to visit China in May.

The Kyodo News Agency on Wednesday (March 29) quoted reporters from Japan -China relations that the Japanese Gongming Party has begun to coordinate with Chinese officials to visit the schedule.

Affected by the detention of the Japanese company cadres in Beijing, the deterioration of Japan -China relations is worrying. The Gongming Party believes that it is necessary to strengthen the dialogue between the two countries in Japan.The Gongming Party Party, the Koniko Napin, will lead the parliament to China to strive to talk with Chinese leading officials.

This will be the first visit to China after the crown disease and crown epidemic.The Japanese and China governments are coordinating the visit of the Japanese Foreign Minister Lin Fang from April 1st to 2nd.

According to disclosure, the Gongming Party Member is scheduled to consist of four or five cadres such as Yamaguchi and Senate President Nishida Shiren, which will exchange opinions with Liu Jianchao and others of the CPC Central Committee of the CPC Central Committee.It is said that the Japanese side intentionally pointed out to the Chinese leadership that ensuring the safety of Chinese and Japanese overseas Chinese is an important foundation for restarting bilateral personnel.

Yamaguchi Nakinan originally discussed his visit to China alone in January this year.Due to the rapid expansion of the crown disease epidemic in December last year, the Japanese government has strengthened the counter -epidemic prevention countermeasures of the border port. The Chinese government opposed that the friction between the two countries was intensified, which led to the delay in the planning of Yamaguchi Nakin Men's visit to China.