The official report of Brazil, President Lula was expected to change to China on April 11.

According to Reuters, Paulo Pimenta, the press secretary of Brazilian President Lula, said on Wednesday (March 29) that President Lula was expected to be visited China on April 11.

Brazilian President Lulaha was scheduled to visit China last weekend. Later, due to the influenza A influenza before departure, it caused bacterial and viral bronchial pneumonia. At the suggestion of the doctor, he decided to delay the itinerary.

According to a statement issued by the Brazilian government, the attending doctor Gelmolio said that although Lula's condition has improved, in order to ensure that the condition is no longer contagious, it is recommended to delay the visit of China.

Lulai met with Chinese President Xi Jinping when he visited China.Xi Jinping sent a condolences to Lula last Sunday (26th) and wished him to recover soon.

Brazilian Favaro arrived in China last Sunday and discussed with China to dismiss the export of beef to China.

Favaro said: "All government work in the Ministry of Agriculture is postponed. When the Chinese government determines the vacancies, it will re -arrange (Brazil President) to visit China. At that time, we will sign all memo and then sign all memo andAgreement. "

Favaro emphasized that he had an important gain in this visit to China and was approved by Beijing to restore Brazilian beef exports to China.China will also issue new licenses for four Brazilian beef packaging companies.