The video of "coal mines cut over 10,000 acres of forest farm water sources and forest farms collapsed kneeling to ask for water supply" recently circulated on the Internet in China.Water supply and investigation should be in place immediately.

The online video screen shows that when a man faced the staff of the mine and water company, because the water supply interruption failed to be resolved, his emotions were excited to kneel down, and cried loudly "supply me water" ""You break my water, why don't you supply me water! God, God."

According to Chinese media reports such as Beijing Youth Daily and Jiupai News, Mr. Sun, who was kneeling to see water in the video, was 64 years old.Mr. Sun said that in 2003, he contracted thousands of acres of deserted beaches in Majiatan Town, Lingwu City, Ningxia to plant trees and sand, but the local Shuangma Coal Mine destroyed the water source of his forest farm.Coal mines promised to supply water to the forest farm on March 27, but failed to be fulfilled, causing his emotions to collapse.

A staff member of the Government of Majia Beach Town said on Tuesday (March 28) that the leaders of Lingwu City and the town are coordinating the matter in the forest farm.

The staff of the local water company responded that the water quality treatment of the mine sewage treatment plant has reached the standard, but the salt of water is too high, which is not conducive to pouring trees.

In this regard, Mr. Sun said that he had an agreement with the coal mine to promise water supply. The water quality of the water source before destroying the water was up to the standard. Now the problem of not meeting the standard should be dealt with."

China National Energy Group Ningxia Coal Industry Co., Ltd. Shuangda Yiming on Wednesday (March 29) issued a notice to respond at noon that the mine attaches great importance to the incident and is conducting Sun Moumou on water supply.Consultation, related issues are being verified, and the relevant situation will be announced in a timely manner.

The official media Central Guangwang publishes special commentators on Wednesday, which has a series of questions about the incident, including the water ore to destroy the water source of the 10,000 acres of forest farms, causing 10,000 acres of acresIs Salin destroyed, is it true? The forest farm said that the coal mine has not fulfilled the promise of water supply for the forest farm on the 27th? Is there such a matter?Is it reliable? Call the local area to restore the truth with an objective and fair investigation as soon as possible.

The article also mentioned that as early as 2014, it was reported that the local 1,800 acres of Shalin was illegally occupied by Shuangma Coal Mine, and the water source was also the source of the water, and the water source was also.It was contaminated. At that time, the report also pointed out that the coal mine involved was not approved first, illegally mining, and ignored the punishment.

The article questioned, why have this problem have not been completely resolved? Local regulation is absent?Have you been corrected?

The article finally emphasized that this incident is not only about the 20 -year effort of the forest owner, but also the local ecological environmental protection, which is related to the effectiveness of China's sand control.Protect the woods and keep green hope.