

Ji Yan Spring and Autumn

The WeChat public account of the China Government Network recently issued a notice of the new State Council on printing and issuing the work rules of the State Council.Compared with the work rules of the State Council issued by the previous State Council five years ago, the biggest change of the new revised rules is to highlight the political positioning of the State Council, and emphasize that the State Council should "implement the party's leadership into the entire field of government work."

The rules of work of the previous State Council stipulated in the "General Principles": the guiding ideology of the work of the State Council is that under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with official Chinese comrades, holding high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, with Marx Leninism, Mao Zedong, Mao ZedongThought, Deng Xiaoping theory, "three representatives" important thoughts, scientific development concept, and Chinese official new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics as a guidance, conscientiously implement the party's basic theory, basic route, basic strategy, and strengthen and strengthen the party's comprehensive leadership.Strictly abide by the Constitution and Law, comprehensively and correctly perform government functions, and build the people's satisfactory government, innovative government, clean government and service -oriented governments.

The expression of the new rules in the "General Principles" is that the work of the State Council adheres to the guidance of the socialist thought of Chinese characteristics in the new era of Chinese officials, resolutely maintains the authority of the Party Central Committee and centralized and unified leadership, and comprehensively implements the spirit of the 20th CPC.The Party Central Committee's decision -making deployment, strictly abide by the constitution and laws and regulations, complete the new development concepts in a complete, accurate, and comprehensive implementation of the new development pattern, strive to promote high -quality development, and strive to build the people's satisfaction of the rule of law, innovation government, clean government and service types of the people's satisfaction.The government is united in order to comprehensively build a socialist modern power and achieve the second century -old struggle goal, and to comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in Chinese -style modernization.

It is not difficult to see that the work rules of the previous State Council will have Marx Leninism, as well as Mao Zedong thought, Deng Xiaoping theory, "three representatives" important thoughts, scientific development concept, and Chinese official new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era of Chinese characteristics.Thoughts are tied as guidance; new rules only emphasize "guidance of the ideological ideas of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era of Chinese officials."The old rules did not mention the implementation of the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and the new rules increased the "comprehensive implementation of the 20th spirit of the party and the decision -making deployment of the Party Central Committee."

The work rules of the previous State Council also have a "criterion for the work of the State Council" in the "General Principles", that is, "governing the people, administrative in accordance with the law, seeking truth from facts, democratic publicity, pragmatic and clean."

The new rules have deleted the "State Council's State Code", which has increased the expression of more prominent political positioning of the State Council: State Council staff should clearly talk about politics, deeply understand the decisive significance of "two establishment", enhance the "four consciousnesses", and the "four consciousness", and the "four consciousness", andFirm the "four self -confidence", achieve "two maintenance", and adhere to the use of Chinese official new era of socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics to arm the mind, guide practice, and promote work.In terms of ideological political action, the Party Central Committee with Chinese official comrades is highly consistent, continuously improving political judgment, political understanding, and political execution, and implementing the party's leadership into the entire field of government work.

At the same time, the new rules have formulated the work principles of the State Council, and emphasized that "resolutely carry out work under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with official Chinese comrades as the core, comprehensively implement the party's line policy and policies, and comprehensively implement the party's central decision -making and deployment. Persistence and improvementThe party leads the institutional mechanism of economic and social development, improves the implementation mechanism of major decision -making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, improves and implements the request reporting system, major decision -making, major matters, and important situations to ask the Party Central Committee to report to the Party Central Committee in a timely manner. "

The old rules do not have "adhere to and improve the institutional mechanism of the party's economic and social development", as well as "major decision -making, major matters, important circumstances to report to the Party Central Committee in a timely manner".

The new rules have also revised the meeting system and meeting content of the previous State Council.The old rules stipulate that the main tasks of the executive meeting of the State Council are: discuss important matters in the work of the State Council; discuss draft legal cases, review the draft administrative regulations; notice and discuss other important matters.

New rules stipulate that the first one of the main tasks of the Executive Meeting of the State Council is: Discussing important matters that require the Party Central Committee to review and decide.This new regulation is obviously to implement the principle of "major decision -making, major matters, and important situations to ask the Party Central Committee to report to the Party Central Committee in a timely manner."

The new rules also reduce the number of times held by the State Council's executive meeting, from once a week to 2 to 3 times a month. If necessary, it can be held at any time.At the same time, the new rules stipulate that the State Council establishes a learning system. Generally, it is arranged for a special study for two months. The theme of the study is determined by the Prime Minister. The focus is on implementing important Chinese official speeches, instructions, and decision -making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council to enhance the skills of knowledge, enhance performancesPower.

From the perspective of changes in the work rules of the State Council, compared with the previous State Council led by Li Keqiang, the new State Council led by Li Qiang has significantly strengthened the political attributes of the State Council in guiding ideology, working principles and processes.China's official work is the new feature of the CPC Central Committee.

This change deeply reflects the results of China's political changes in recent years.According to the official statement, the "two establishment of the Chinese official Party Central Committee, the core position of the entire party of the Chinese official Party Central Committee, and the guiding position of the socialist thinking of Chinese characteristics in the new era of Chinese characteristics in the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee), is 2012The most important political achievements since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.The personnel layout of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the leadership agencies of the new National People's Congress, the State Council, and the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference established this month must use the "two establishment" as the fundamental follow.

The work rules of the new State Council also show that the "dispute between the South and the North Academy of the South Court of the South and the North Academy" (the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China is located in the South Court, and the State Council is located in the North Academy) will be difficult to reproduce.