Qin Gang, a State member and foreign minister in mainland China, emphasized that Honduras made a political decision that recognized and promised to abide by a Chinese principle and did not set up any premise with the establishment of diplomatic relations with mainland China, which fully complied with the fundamental and long -term interests of the Hongdu country and the people.Mainland China also welcomes President Honduras to visit the mainland as soon as possible.

According to CCTV news report, Qin Gang held a talks with Foreign Minister Rena, Beijing on Sunday (March 26), and signed Zhonghong Jianjian Journal.

Qin Gang hopes that Honduras will firmly adhere to a Chinese principle, develop a smooth development of the relationship between mainland China and Honduras, and create a good political atmosphere and public opinion environment.

Qin Gang also told reporters after the meeting that mainland China welcomes President Honduras to visit the mainland as soon as possible, and invite Honduras to organize entrepreneurial delegations to cooperate in the fields of trade, tourism, and investment in mainland China.