Regarding Brazilian President Lula's delay in visiting China, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to understand and respect, and wished Lulala to recover soon.

According to the website of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Sunday (March 26) said that Pakistan has notified the Chinese decision to delay the visiting China on the Chinese side.Respect, express condolences to Lula, and wish him a sooner recovery.

The spokesman said that China will continue to communicate with the Pakistani on the relevant access matters.

According to Agence France -Presse, Lula, 77, was scheduled to fly to China on Saturday (March 25) to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping.For a long time, he was forced to delay the itinerary.

According to a statement issued by the government, the attending doctor Gelmorio said that although Lula's condition has improved, in order to ensure that the condition is no longer contagious, it is recommended to delay the visit of the interview indefinitely.

In recent years, Lula's health has continued to be worrying.From 2003 to 2010, the first ruling Lulain vocal cords had lesions and underwent resection. In 2011, after Luolla's steps down as president, he was diagnosed with laryngeal cancer and controlled the disease after receiving treatment.