(Beijing / Shanghai Comprehensive News) When the relationship between China and the United States fell into a historical trough and many US executives avoided attending the China Development High -level Forum held in Beijing, Apple CEO Cook has visited China for the first time in four years.And emphasize that Apple "enjoys a symbiotic relationship with China".

Comprehensive AFP, Reuters and Bloomberg reported that although the US -owned enterprise Pfizer, Bridge, Blackstone, and Jingshun sent the CEO or founder, and attended the first time after the epidemic set out for outbreaksBut most of the companies that confirmed to attend the forum were not American companies.American companies hope to maintain a low -key activity of companies in China and avoid becoming the goal of the Special Committee of the China House of Representatives.

Dancook's speech on Saturday (March 25) emphasized that Apple grows together with China, "enjoying a symbiotic relationship with China", and also said that innovation has developed rapidly in China. "I think it will still be on it.Accelerate. "

Most of Apple's products are produced in China and have a unique channel for entering the Chinese market.About 20%of the company's current sales come from Greater China.Since 2015, its annual revenue in China exceeds $ 40 billion (about S $ 53.3 billion), and its sales in China in China are close to $ 75 billion.

Cook also meets with Chinese officials, seeking a mutually beneficial relationship with the Chinese government.He visited the Apple Store in Sanlitun, Beijing on Friday (March 24), an employee of Apple, and took photos with the customers present.The store is the first retail store opened in mainland China and opened in 2008.

Cook also announced that donations to the China Development Research Foundation have increased to 100 million yuan (about S $ 19 million), which has brought about the gap between urban and rural education. Among them, 50 million yuan will be funded for three years of "Zhihui Garden Ding".The project focuses on digital teaching in China's underdeveloped regions.

Cook said that it is important to make young people learn programming. Even if they do not want to be programmers, they need to master some programming ability and know the possibility of programming.

However, at the same time, Apple is seeking to move part of the production capacity out of China.Crown disease epidemic control and the United States' export ban on China is threatening Apple's supply chain in China.Because of the epidemic control, Foxconn, one of its largest suppliers, was blocked last year, resulting in lack of delayed release and supply of some apple products.

In addition, Apple has been adjusted to the United States in order to abide by China's review and data storage laws.