(San Doming's Reuters) The Spanish Prime Minister Sanchez said on Saturday (March 25) that he would promote the position of fairness and peace (Fair Peace) in the Russian and Ukraine war issues next week.Including the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

Sanchez on Saturday (March 25), he told reporters when he attended the Ibero-American Summit in the Republic of Dominica that he would discuss the prospects of peace with Chinese officials with the official Russia and Ukraine.

Sanchez said at a press conference: "The most important thing is ... when peacefully comes to Ukraine, it will be fair and long -lasting ... and when we talk about justice, I meanUkraine's complete territory is respected. "

As a member of the North Atlantic Treaty, Spain's foreign policy is closely consistent with the United States, and it is also a firm ally in Ukraine. It will serve as chairman of the European Union Council in July.Beijing proposed the Ukraine Peace Plan at 12 o'clock last month and called on Russia and Ukraine to stop the fire.Chinese officials have recently visited Moscow and described China's fair position in the Russia and Ukraine War.