Zheng Zujie, the newly appointed director of the National Development and Reform Commission of China, said that China will make overall development and security and prevent risks in the fields of financial and real estate.

According to the China Youth Daily client report, Zheng Zujie said at the 2023 annual meeting of the China Development High -level Forum on Sunday (March 26) that China will make overall development and security and ensure new security patterns to ensure new new patterns to ensure new security patterns to ensure new new patterns to ensure new security patterns to ensure new new patterns to ensure new new patterns.Development pattern, ensure the safety of important resources such as food and energy, continuously improve the toughness and safety level of the industrial chain supply chain, strengthen the security of important infrastructure, prevent and resolve risks in the fields of finance, real estate, and build a long -term prevention and resolution risk.mechanism.

Zheng Zujie also said that China will innovate and improve macro -control and strengthen the coordination of fiscal, currency, employment, industry, investment, consumption, price, environmental protection, regional and other policies to form a promotion of high -quality developmentFollow.

In terms of comprehensively deepening reform and opening up, Zheng Zujie said that China will adhere to "two unshakables", promote the better combination of effective markets and the government, and solidly promote the construction of high -standard market systems.Create marketization, rule of law, internationalization, and first -class business environment.Implement high -level opening up, reasonably reduce the negative list of foreign capital access, implement the national treatment of foreign -funded enterprises at a high standard, promote the stability and excellent structure of foreign trade, and promote the high -quality development of the “Belt and Road”.

He said to Chinese and foreign guests who attended the high -level Forum of China Development: "Walking with China is to walk with opportunities, investment in China is investment in the future. We sincerely hope that they are very willing to strengthen communication and cooperation with friends from all walks of life at home and abroad., Sharing the results of development ".

The China Development High -level Forum is an international forum hosted by the Development Research Center of the State Council of China and hosted by the China Development Research Foundation.