(Beijing News) In China, there are two local cases infected with two crown diseases at the same time at the same time.

The latest weekly report released by the China Disease Control Center on Friday (March 17) shows that on February 14, the samples collected and submitted to the Third Hospital of Chongqing Medical University were measured.Local cases of strains.

This sample comes from a 67 -year -old female patient in Chongqing. It confirmed the history of malignant tumors on February 7. In the past six months, it received chemotherapy, radiotherapy, targeted and other treatment, and vaccinated two doses of coronary vaccines.

The patient had a poor appetite on December 23 last year. On December 29, fatigue and cough symptoms occurred.On January 4 this year, the patient's condition worsened and his body trembled. He had a high fever to 38.9 degrees Celsius. It was accompanied by the symptoms of cough. The diagnosis and treatment of the Chinese Medicine Hospital in Yunyang County, Chongqing City was discharged the next day.The patient transferred to the Department of Infectious Diseases at the Third Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University on January 6, and continued to have symptoms of fever and cough.From January 6 to February 12, patients with eight nucleic acid tests were positive.

In the survey, the patient's family and neighbors were found to be infected with crown disease in late December last year, showing potential contact.During the two patients in the patient, she may have been in contact with other patients with crown diseases.

Researchers collect patients with upper respiratory tract samples on January 28 and February 7. Both samples present the specific definition sites of Omikonia variant BA.5.2.48 and BF.7.14, which means meaning, which meansPatients are infected with two Omikonia variant strains at the same time.