Taiwan announced the restoration of 10 regular direct flights with the mainland. Chen Jianren, the president of Taiwan, responded to this on Friday (March 10) that this is to further consider the demand for cross -strait exchanges between the people of Taiwan under the alleviating situation of the epidemic situation.In the future, a better and convenient pipeline will be proposed at the opening of the airpoint, the application of the charter and the small three links.

Comprehensive China News Network and United Daily reports that Chen Jianren said in an interview before the Legislative Yuan inquiring on Friday morning that the crown disease epidemic has been controlled by the joint efforts of the Central Popular Epidemic Instruction Center and the entire people.The epidemics of countries around the world are also alleviating.After Taiwan's unsealed border in October last year, the people's lives gradually returned to their daily life. Recently, the Taiwan epidemic has also been properly controlled. The government launched the "vaccine plus one, everyone's peace of mind" activity. It is believed that the epidemic control has gradually eased.Essence

Chen Jianren pointed out that during the communication and discussion, the Taiwanese government opened 10 navigation points and will continue to propose better and convenient channels for the people of Taiwan to communicate in the airline, applying for charter machines and small three links in the future.It is also hoped that cross -strait relations can achieve the health and effective communication required by Cai Yingwen through this path.

The DPP also said on Friday that for the interaction between cross -strait, the DPP's consistent position is to promote healthy and orderly exchanges after the epidemic in the attitude of pragmatic and responsible.Restore the exchanges and jointly build a new bureau on both sides of the strait after the epidemic.

For the interpretation of the external opinions, Taiwan announced the restoration of the cross -strait airline plan, and to reduce the political posterior power of Cai Yingwen's month to the United States.Qiu Tai, Chairman of the Taiwan Committee of Taiwan, said in an interview before the inquiry of the Legislative Yuan, "I am afraid that this association is too sensitive." In fact, when Tsai Ing -wen talked to Taiwanese businessmen in February this year, he said that the assessment of the open air point was the opening of the open space point."Comprehensiveness", I hope that Lu Fang will not have too much political considerations.Qiu Tai San also said that there are "spring warmth" on both sides of the strait every year, but whether the flowers should be bloomed, they must rely on both parties to note.

The British Financial Times previously reported that Tsai Ing -wen will receive a lecture on the Think Tank of the Huafu Hudson Institute of Hudson in the United States and receive a global leadership award from the think tank.Chen Jianren only said that all units in Tsai Ing -wen are planning and preparations. After the itinerary is determined, the Presidential Palace will report to everyone.

The Taiwan MAC announced on Thursday (9th) that from Friday, 10 fixed -term airpoints and 13 charter air points "10+13" solutions will be opened on Friday."Passenger transit.