The emergency plan of the influenza high incidence period released by Xi'an has triggered a rebound in domestic public opinion. Scholars believe that China will not have large -scale closed control.So as not to cause social panic.

Xi'an, China Shaanxi Province, releases a large pop emergency plan for influenza during the high incidence of influenza. It proposes to take temporary social face control measures in a timely manner.The plan immediately triggered a rebound in domestic public opinion, and many netizens worried that the epidemic controlled and rolled up.

Scholars of interviewed scholars analyzed that China will not have a large -scale sealing again. The government should pay more attention to wording when introducing similar emergency policies, so as not to cause social panic.

Xi'an Wednesday (March 8th) prints and distributes Xi'an's influenza popular emergency plan on the official website of the municipal government, and proposes to strengthen the preparations for the response to influenza, guide and standardize the emergency response of influenza.

Emergency plans divide the emergency response measures of influenza into four levels. The second -level response measures include timely social face control measures to reduce personnel flow without affecting the normal production and living order of society;If necessary, stop work, suspension, stopping, and suspension of classes in the outbreak of outbreaks and epidemic areas.

The first -level response measures implemented in the most popular influenza in the influenza include measures such as blocking, traffic quarantine, production suspension, and business suspension;Management, discouraging the masses is not necessary for travel.

Netizens: Some places are addicted to sealing and controlling

This is not the first time that the local government of the Chinese government has introduced emergency plans on the influenza popularity. In 2011Based on it; in 2015, the Shanghai influenza popular emergency plan states that when the influenza is more popular, it takes compulsory control measures such as suspension of work and suspension, restricting rally.

But at the time point of the Chinese epidemic prevention policy for less than three months, the influenza emergency plan that is highly similar to the crown disease epidemic and control measures to the crown disease has touched the sensitive nerves of Chinese society.Search on Weibo.

From the end of 2021 to the beginning of 2022, the various epidemic prevention chaos during the large -scale sealing period of Xi'an also triggered public opinion.Some netizens criticized "some places are addictive" and questioned that the local government wanted to "re -control the name of the name and control the soil."Some people are worried that if the flu is closed due to influenza, "Is every wave of influenza infection in the future be closed? Isn't this going back to the old road again?"

Some Internet comments believe that the public opinion rebound in this incident reflects the "sequelae of coronary disease resistance" by the Chinese people.

Disease Control Data: Influenza virus detection positive rate increases to 25.1%

China is currently at the high incidence of influenza. Disease control data shows that in the case of influenza symptoms, the positive rate of influenza virus detection has increased significantly in the past few weeks: from 0.7%from January 30 to February 5 to 2 to 2 to 2 to 225.1%from the 20th to 26th.The influenza epidemic is expected to last for several weeks, but the current influenza epidemic in China is still at the level of sexual influenza epidemic in previous years.

Tang Renwu, Dean of the Government Management Research Institute of Beijing Normal University, pointed out in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the crown disease epidemic has a painful impact on the economy and society in various places. Many local governments are still sincere and fearful.Pay attention to, and there may be other places to introduce similar emergency plans.

He said that shortly after China ’s just relaxation of epidemic prevention policies, the public's concerns can be understood, but the large -scale seal control in the past three years will not appear again.When introducing similar documents, local governments must pay attention to words to send words to avoid excessive nervousness and cause social panic.