Reuters quoted Russian business newspapers and diplomatic sources on Monday that Wang Yi has arrived in Moscow and will talk to Russia on the possible peace solutions of the Ukraine issue.

The Russian and Ukraine War will enter the first anniversary of the entry of Friday (February 24). According to Russian media reports, Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the director of the Central Foreign Affairs Working Committee, arrived at Moscow, Russia's capital. It is expected that it is expected toDiscuss the Ukrainian issue peacefully and do not rule out meeting with Russian President Putin.

Wang Yi set off on February 14 to visit France, Italy, Hungary and Russia on February 14, and was invited to attend the 59th Munich Safety Conference.

Reuters quoted the Russian business newspaper on Monday and diplomatic sources reported that Wang Yi has arrived in Moscow and will talk to Russia on the possible peace solutions of the Ukraine issue.

According to the Russian Tasis report, the Russian presidential press secretary Peskov confirmed that Wang Yi would visit Moscow on the same day and pointed out that Putin did not rule out the possibility of meeting with Wang Yi.

As for Wang Yi's visit, what topic will the two sides talk about?Peskov described that Russian -China relations have the characteristics of "multi -level and allied".

Wang Yi expressed his statement many times during his visit to Europe

During his visit to Europe, Wang Yi expressed his statement many times.

For example, he proposed during the Munich Safety Conference in Germany on February 18 that China will publish a position on political resolution of the Ukrainian crisis on the occasion of the first anniversary of the Ukrainian crisis, reaching the official claims of China, including the sovereignty of various countries,The territorial integrity should be respected, the principle of the UN Charter's purpose should be observed, and the reasonable and safe concerns of all countries should be valued. All efforts that are conducive to peaceful resolution of crisis should be supported.

Wang Yi also pointed out that the document will reiterate that the nuclear war must not be able to win, call on the security of civil nuclear facilities, oppose attack nuclear power plants, and will also advocate jointly opposing the use of biochemical weapons.

He also emphasized when he met with Ukraine Foreign Minister Culba on the same day that China was unwilling to see the Ukrainian crisis for a long time and expand.

Kulba wrote on Twitter that the two sides agreed that the basic principles of the United Nations Charter about territorial integrity are sacred for U.S."I reiterate that all measures aimed at restoring Ukraine to restore peace must be based on this."

Prior to this, the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Antania revealed in an interview with the Italian Broadcasting and Television on February 17 that when he talks with Wang Yi the day before, Wang Yi told himPublished a peaceful speech on the occasion.

Bloomberg reported on Monday that Italian newspapers reported that Ukrainian President Zelezzky has directly called on China to not provide support for Russia during the Russian and Ukraine War.Zeelianzki also said that China should also take a pragmatic position to help avoid global conflicts with a wider range of explosives.

Wang Hongren, a professor at the Department of Political Science at Taiwan Chenggong University, analyzed in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that although Wang Yi's conversation responded to the demands of Western countries, the overall discussion focused on reiterating the existing position, no further promises, and visiting Russia's itinerary.It also expresses support for Moscow by action.

Therefore, Wang Hongren believes that compared with the proposal of specific solutions during the first anniversary of the war in Russia, Beijing may be more inclined to balance all parties in geopolitics.