China Telecom has reportedly deployed the research and development of large models and achieved phased results. After actively paying attention to the industrial version of the CHATGPT, the company's shares once (February 20) once touched the daily limit, and drove the remaining two of them.The telecommunications stock rises.

According to the Daily of the Innovation Board of the Interface News, reportedly reported on Friday (February 17) that the relevant person in charge of China Telecom revealed that the company has initially established data accumulation and semantic models for vertical fields such as telecommunications and government affairs.Training experience and distillation capabilities of various downstream models can support multiple product systems such as communication assistants, smart calls, and digital human customer service.

In terms of semantic format models, the person in charge revealed that China Telecom is actively paying attention to the industrial version of the ChatGPT and already has the basic technology research and development foundation.Dialogue and long text summary ability.

Among Chinese companies, the first tried to launch a professional version of ChatGPT is's "ChatJD" previously launched, which is expected to be 100 billion yuan.And financial scenario.In comparison, China Telecom is designed to create a industrial version of the industry version of the telecommunications field.

The relevant person in charge of China Telecom also said that the company plans to collaborate with the existing businesses such as ChatGPT, AIGC and other AI technologies to accelerate the commercialization of artificial intelligence scientific and technological achievements.In terms of scene application, it will realize the self -developed AI core capabilities, and promote the extension of large models from urban -level model libraries to industrial model libraries, focusing on digital people, Yuan universe, and expanding smart customer service, chat robots and other fields.

Affected by the above -mentioned favorable news, the three major Chinese telecommunications stocks of the Shanghai Stock Exchange rose on Monday.截至发稿时,中国电信涨逾10%,多次触及涨停,最高报6元(人民币,下同,约1.2新元)每股;中国移动和中国联通股价分别上涨逾6%和7%,最高It was reported to 81.29 yuan and 5.35 yuan per share, respectively.