(London Composite Electric) Under the strong opposition of members of the British Parliament, the British Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Tuesday (February 15) that the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and the chairman of the district government, Elken Tuniazi, has been canceled.Plan for visiting the UK this week.

Comprehensive Reuters and Agence France -Presse reported that the British Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman said: "As far as we understand, the chairman of Xinjiang Autonomous Region has canceled visiting Britain."The spokesman said that the British government will continue to take advantage of all opportunities to take action against the Chinese government's unacceptable infringement of human rights in Xinjiang.

Tuniazi's visit to the United Kingdom was first came out in early February; at the time, the British government expressed their preparations to meet with him to express concerns about Xinjiang's human rights.However, this interview plan was strongly opposed by members of the British Parliament, questioning why the British government allowed him to visit, and why British officials met him.The British Ministry of Foreign Affairs Second Government Employment emphasized to Congress that Britain did not invite Tuniazi to visit, so he would not get a courtesy of meeting with any ministerial official, but he might meet with officials in the UK.

Britain, the United States and other Western countries have long accused the Chinese government of infringing human rights in Xinjiang, detained Muslim minorities in the region, and enforced them forced labor and torture.The Chinese government denied these allegations that the allegations were lies for political purposes.

The British Parliament also passed a statement of non -binding power last year, saying that Xinjiang was implementing anti -human crimes and racial extinction.