In many places in China, the incidence of crown diseases in rural areas has been launched offline survey, and survey data has been announced.

According to the surging news report, the Qiyang City Disease Prevention and Control Center in Hunan Province issued an article on January 13th that in order to effectively grasp the current crown disease infection of Qiyang City, scientific research and judging the development of the epidemic situation, the Qiyang Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, Qiyang City, Qiyang CityThe government actively responded to the relevant requirements of the Hunan Provincial Health and Health Commission on the training of crown disease infection "Class B and B" training, and arranged the Qiyang Disease Control Center to conduct a survey of crown disease infection in the city on January 5-6, 2023.

The survey statistical analysis shows that from December 10, 2022-January 5, 2023, the number of outpatient clinics has a total of 58,276 people, of which 29,889 patients (51.28%) were fever and cough patients.The peak peak period is December 19-24, and patients with fever cough who have begun to see a doctor will gradually decrease.The onset of the disease is mostly adults and the elderly, followed by students, the least children.A total of 1,198 were surveyed with households, 939 infected, and 78.38%infected.From December 5, 2022-January 5, 2023, a total of 79 people died. For 42 people (53.16%) due to fever cough, compared with the same period last year (29), the number of deaths increased by 172.41%.

The Qiyang City Disease Control Center said that the current crown disease infection in Qiyang City is in a period of decline, but the incidence of the elderly has increased.At present, the lack of treatment equipment, insufficient treatment of drugs and reagents, rising prices of drugs and reagents for retail pharmacies, and gradually relaxing the awareness of crowd prevention and control.In order to actively and stabilize the implementation of crown disease infections "Class B and B" measures, and effectively cope with the infection of crown diseases before and after the Spring Festival, Qiyang City will focus on implementing the following work measures: one is to strengthen classification and cure patients;Medical treatment of resource preparations; third is to do a good job of health services for key groups; fourth, do a good job of preventing and controlling rural epidemic conditions; fifth, to strengthen key institutions to prevent and control; sixth, to carry out health education and advocate adherence to personal protection measures.

According to the news of Hunan Jishu Rong Media, on January 10, the Koshong City Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters organized the current situation of crown disease infection in rural areas.The survey team went to 15 villages in five towns and villages, and used face -to -face home -to -face households to fill out the questionnaire survey to carry out a bottom -up and investigation.The survey content includes the basic situation of the investigator, the vaccination of the coronary disease, the detection of nucleic acid detection, antigen detection, infection symptoms, and medical treatment.According to the news, through the survey of the household, you can further understand the infection rate and vaccination rate of crown disease in rural areas, and promote the enhanced needle vaccination of the elderly at this stage.

In Hui'an County, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province, the Hui'an County Disease Control and Control Center issued an article on January 13. In order to quickly understand the infection of residents in the jurisdiction since December 2022, the situation of the epidemic situation scientifically, January 12On the morning of the morning, Hui'an County held the current investigation work deployment meeting of crown disease infection.Relevant townships, health centers (community health service centers) are in charge of leaders and business backbones, and relevant investigators of the county Center for Disease Control and Prevention attended the meeting.This offline survey was launched in Luocheng Town, Chongwu Town and Tuzhai Town in Hui'an County from January 12th to 15th.Investigation objects, the county's total investigation of 2,400 people.

The Hui'an County Disease Control Center introduced that Hui'an County will also conduct online surveys simultaneously, and publish information on the online survey of crown infection in the county's residents in the mainstream public account of "Hui'an Speed Report" and "Health Hui'an".And ask the two -dimensional code to actively mobilize residents to participate in the investigation; at the same time, actively mobilize the employees of party administrative agencies and enterprises and institutions to participate in the survey, and strive to obtain the largest sample amount within the prescribed time.