Chinese Special Manuscript

Chinese officials began to shift the focus of epidemic prevention from cities to rural areas at the end of December last year. Many public health experts are vigilant. After the Spring Festival was launched on January 7, the urban epidemic may spread quickly in rural areas. Lianhe Zaobao reporter will adjust the crown disease to the "Class B tube" on January 8 to visit the countryside in Zhangjiajie, Hunan, to learn about the local Spring Festival on the spot.Previous epidemic prevention. How do villagers think of the possible Spring Festival epidemic, can grass -roots medical institutions be under pressure?

On Sunday (January 8) at 8 am, Fengxianggang Township, Zhangjiajie City, Hunan Province is holding a large market before the Spring Festival.Hundreds of nearby villagers carry small baskets of local characteristics, pushing them in front of the temporary stalls, busy purchasing foods such as pork, fresh fish, and preparing for the Spring Festival less than two weeks later.

Looking at the lively scene in front of you, it is difficult to imagine that there are nearly 10 small rural areas around 10,000 people around this. I just experienced a severe epidemic peak a week ago.

Driver Zhang Jian introduced that around December 30th, at least five or six funerals were held in just three or four days. Such a funeral was usually once more than once a month.The villagers rumored that the dead old people died of leukemia.

Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Ruijin Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, and the national major infrastructure of the country (Shanghai) Chen Saijuan team, and the Fan Xiaohong team of the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center Fan Xiaohong, at the end of December, pointed out in a research report that some rural areas and in some rural areas andThe peak of infection in small and medium -sized towns is expected to appear in mid -to -late January this year, and the peak may be advanced by the Spring Festival.

One of Hunan Province has one of the four people who go out to work.As one of the four major provinces in China ’s foreign migrant workers, the Hunan government has begun to increase the alert on the epidemic situation that the Spring Festival return home in December.The official originally estimated that the rural areas of Hunan will usher in the first wave of epidemic in the Spring Festival.

However, according to the villagers, the peak of rural epidemic in the Zhangjiajie area has arrived in advance in the last week of December.When the reporter entered the countryside on January 8, he felt a dignified atmosphere of epidemic prevention less than two weeks ago.

When leaving the market, Brother Wang (70 years old), who was familiar with Zhang Jian, was about to get a happy wine in the village in the village five minutes away and took the reporter's ride.Faced with strangers from other places, Brother Wang took off the mask without any concerns of epidemic prevention.

Cold medicine has successively settled after the New Year's Day in early December to stabilize the New Year's Day

Brother Wang is a villager earlier infected with crown disease. He was diagnosed around December 15 last year and only turned over at the end of December.

Brother Wang easily talked about the symptoms at the time. He only had a low fever for three days, "the symptoms were not serious, like a cold cold."

Chinese officials released the "new ten" to optimize the epidemic prevention on December 7. After the zero -epidemic prevention measures that lasted for nearly three years, the cloak medicines have occurred in various places.

The employees of the three pharmacies in the rural house in Zhangjiajie revealed that since the beginning of December, the cold medicine has been out of stock one after another, and it is not stable until the supply after New Year's Day.The Lianhua Qing plague, which was snapped up by Brother Wang's family in early December, came in handy when the family was infected.Brother Wang went to the town to see the medical treatment in the town after a low fever.

In the absence of official statistics, villagers can only use their feelings to estimate the peak of the epidemic.Brother Wang recalled that the last week of December was the worst of the village's epidemic. At that time, many stores closed and rest. It was not until New Year's Day that the village gradually returned to anger.As for how many people were infected in the village, Brother Wang couldn't say specific figures, but only knew "there are many people."

When the reporter asked if the crown disease was not as terrible, Brother Wang instantly smiled and said with some seriously: "Most people are not seriously symptoms, just two or three days, but after the old people are in the sun, many people have difficulty breathing after the old people., Recently, the old people have gone a lot. "

China's elderly population is highly concentrated in rural areas. According to the official data of China, in 2020, the ratio of the elderly population 60 and over 65 years old and above account for 23.81 % and 17.72 % of the total population of the countryside, respectively, respectively, respectively, respectively, respectively.7.99 percentage points and 6.61 percentage points higher.Hunan Province is one of the 10 provinces with the largest total population in rural areas, with a population of more than 5 million in rural areas.

The London Health Data Company Airfinity estimates at the end of last month that the number of Chinese crown diseases may reach the peak of 25,000 per day around January 23, and the dead will be the elderly.

Visit three funerals along the way in the countryside for eight hours

There is a special custom in rural Zhangjiajie. The villagers will set off firecrackers during the period of white and red affairs, and they will also stand up at the door of the house. The blue arch is used during the funeral and a red arch during the wedding.

In the eight hours interviewed in the village, there were at least three funerals in the village along the way, and from time to time, firecrackers came from time to time.Driver Zhang Jian revealed that the sound of firecrackers in the village was particularly frequent recently. These firecrackers sounded that most of them did not represent the celebration of the wedding, but that the elderly died during the epidemic.

Zhang Jian's grandfather is one of the elders who died during the peak of the epidemic.He told reporters that his grandfather and grandmother lived together. In the last week of December, the grandmother suddenly found that the foreign public had no appetite for a few days, and then notified the children to send him a doctor.However, at that time, the elderly had begun to breathe difficulties. After diagnosis of crown disease in the hospital, they were sent to a city hospital for about half an hour's drive.

Within two days, his grandfather died, and Zhang Jian's grandmother Wang and mother -in -law lived alone in the countryside.The 83 -year -old mother -in -law lived on a cement house on a hillside and was separated by a small ladder of three or four meters from other houses.

Although the stairs are not long, the mother of Wang's mother -in -law seems to be isolated from the world. There are only three other houses on the hillside, all of which are the three sons of mother -in -law Wang.Most of his sons work outside, and only the mother -in -law left on the hillside.Mother -in -law Wang was also infected with crown disease at the end of December. Her symptoms were mild, and she recovered after two or three days.

When the reporter arrived, Mother -in -law Wang was sitting alone on the small stool in the yard as usual. In the trash can from the stool, there was still a cold pill box that had just eaten a few days ago.Although there was no one around, she still wearing a mask strictly.

Mother -in -law Wang does not know Putting, and can only communicate with reporters through Zhang Jian's translation.She cherishes words like gold, and is unwilling to talk about her husband's death. With the cover of the mask, there is almost no expression change.

In the past two weeks, experts have been vigilant that the first area where the first epidemic peak has just passed the second wave of epidemic in mid -January due to the crowd of returnees in mid -January.Anhui, Shandong, Henan and other places have been passed on successivelyThere are rural areas to tighten the epidemic prevention regulations and request returned personnel to report.

Zhangjiajie has no restrictions on the returnees. The villagers reported that the crowds of returnees in the village this year have risen slightly, but it has not increased significantly.On the day of the reporter interviewing in the village, the cars with five or six foreign license plates were parked outside the villagers' house.

Zhang Jian said that after the outbreak of the epidemic three years ago, most of the children and grandchildren who worked in Zhangjiajie City would avoid visiting her grandmother back to the village. Mother -in -law Wang became less and less dealing with people in the village.

After the outbreak at the end of December, her mother -in -law did not let go of her heart because of the "Yang pass"; her husband's death made her feel the risk of crown disease to the elder.

Mother -in -law Wang was more cautious before the Spring Festival this year. She was almost enough to leave home, and she did not plan to catch up during the Spring Festival.

When the village is infected and when the peak period is, the mother -in -law Wang is unknown; she only knows that the risk of the epidemic is still there, and staying at home is the safest.

As for whether to worry about returning to the hometown of the Spring Festival, a new wave of epidemics will cause a new wave of epidemic.

If the second wave of epidemic villagers are more worried about the affected business

However, not everyone is daring to the epidemic.In a shop street in the township, the merchants selling fritters on the roadside are enthusiastically sold.Li Juan, a stall owner in his 60s, told reporters that her family of dozens of people was Yangyang at the end of December, and the shop was closed for more than a week.However, the rural areas have passed the peak of the epidemic less than two weeks. Li Juan said excitedly: "Now everyone has returned. In recent years, there have been no many people after the outbreak."

Speaking of the second wave of epidemics during the Spring Festival, Li Juan suddenly raised his voice and said, "Of course I am worried!" But she was not afraid of her or her family infection again, but was worried that the business would be affected again.

She said: "If we get sick, we will have a cough at most for a few days. If you do n’t go out, how do I do my business?"

(the name of the name of the name)

Returning to hometown plus tourists return to Zhangjiajia to face the risk of dual epidemic

Zhangjiajie is a well -known tourist destination in China. The surrounding rural areas not only faced the risk of epidemic risks brought about by the return of tourists from foreign tourists after relaxing the epidemic prevention policy in China.

According to the driver Zhang Jian, about 70 % of the villagers in the rural areas of Zhangjiajie are engaged in tourism -related industries.Outside the Yangjiajie Scenic Area, Sister Liu, the owner of the 40s, just opened the file. While putting a drink, she said, "I only came back to open the first day today. I had rest for almost five months before."

Zhangjiajie's tourism industry was severely frustrated after the epidemic. Taking the data of Qingming holiday as an example, during the Qingming period in 2019, Zhangjiajie's city received about 1.25 million tourists, and only less than 680,000 people in the same period in 2021.

Sister Liu revealed that Yangjiajie received at least thousands of tourists every day before the epidemic. Since last year, there are only hundreds of tourists every day. Tourists have gradually returned from January this year. At present, there are four or five hundred people every day.

Sister Liu is completely not worried about the influence of foreign tourists on the local epidemic. In her opinion, the tourists bring not the risk of the epidemic, but the front -line vitality of her restoration.

She said: "In the past five months, I only rely on my husband's income to live. Although tourists are far less than before, I can at least come out to work."

Explorers are doubt about rural medical capabilities

Rural primary medical care has been pushed to the front line of epidemic prevention in the new wave of epidemic. In the past month, foreign media have frequently rumored the shortage of rural medical resources in China;There are only two -thirds of any patient or inpatient area.

China's rural medical care has long been regarded as a weak link in the Chinese epidemic prevention system. The elderly who face higher risks in the epidemic are concentrated in rural areas, but hospitals and intensive ward are concentrated in the city.Official data show that in 2020, Chinese village doctors and health staff accounted for only 5.9 % of the total health staff in the country, but they assumed medical services of nearly 500 million rural people.

China's official has stepped up the medical transition plan for rural areas since December. The connection of severe patients' referral is one of the focus of epidemic prevention work at this stage.In Zhangjiajie, the mild person in the village is generally a hospital for a five -to ten -minute drive from the countryside, and receives a cold medicine or a fever needle;The computer fault scanning service is also available for breathing and severe medical department and intensive ward.

According to the hierarchical hierarchical treatment implementation plan released by Hunan Province in early January, critical patients can also refer it to the Hunan Provincial People's Hospital in Changsha and about four hours by car, but the villagers interviewed do not know this.Troubleshooting arrangements for critical patients.

The two health homes visited by the reporter were scarce. Employees from a grocery store next to the health center told reporters that the crowds of people in the health centers at the end of December have increased significantly, and they have resumed to the past normal flow of people in January.

Zhangjiajie People's Hospital is also no crowd, but during the visiting reporter, at least three seniors in just five minutes were sent to the hospital with an oxygen mask with an oxygen mask.

The villagers interviewed said that there were no serious shortage of medical resources in local health centers and municipal hospitals. Even at the peak of the epidemic at the end of December, there were no people who were full of people.However, the increase in mortality rates in rural areas has caused the outside world to doubt the abilities of the rural medical system.

Farmer Daily on December 31 In the front page comment article, he proposed the attention of the ability to respond to first -line personnel of rural epidemic prevention.Comments said that many grass -roots medical institutions have no experience -related treatment experience, but in the new stage of epidemic prevention and control, most patients need to go to county -level hospitals, township hospitals, and village clinics.Comments urged county, township, and village medical staff to prepare for medical supplies and related disposal knowledge as soon as possible.

It is understood that because the epidemic has not previously spread in rural areas in China, most of the main functions of most rural health centers in the past three years are to assist villagers to manage basic diseases such as hypertension.

Chen Xiuxi, a professor at the School of Public Health of Taiwan University, analyzed that the rural epidemic highlighted the problem of weak grassroots medical care in the mainland medical architecture.The Chinese medical system is mainly hospitals for a long time. Before the epidemic, the official has focused on promoting a three -level linkage mechanism from the central and provincial to rural areas to try to strengthen the role of grass -roots medical institutions in rural areas, but this plan has been disturbed by the epidemic in the past three years.

During the period of strict implementation of dynamic clearance policies in China, anti -fever drugs, cough medicines, and popular clinics related services have been strictly controlled.Chen Xiuxi pointed out that at that time, "it is difficult to restore normal medical services in various places, let alone promote the third -level linkage." Therefore, when a new wave of epidemic occurred in rural areas in many places, rural medical institutions were in antiviral drug reserves and medical knowledge reserves, etc.There is a large gap with urban medical institutions.

The problem of tight medical resources in China is currently eased, but Chen Xiuxi reminded that the second and third waves of epidemic may appear one after another. We must continue to accelerate the construction of rural medical capabilities and three -level linkage. Otherwise, rural grassroots medical institutions willFacing severe test again.