The crown oral oral drug oral drugs of Merck (China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, and China, China, China, China, China, and China, China, China, China, China, China, known as Merida.

According to CCTV News reports, China Sinopharm Holdings Co., Ltd. held a crown disease virus treatment drug in the Gaoqiao Bonded Zone in Shanghai on Friday (January 13).EssenceThe first batch of imported drugs totaled 18 courses and 15.5 tons. After the customs examination of the Gaoqiao Bonded Zone in Shanghai, the imported customs clearance procedures were completed in the afternoon of the day and put in the Chinese market.

The China State Drug Administration on December 29 last year shall conduct emergency review and approval in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Drug Management Law in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Drug Management Law.Wei Capsule is imported and registered.According to the announcement of China National Medicine Group on January 2, the National Medicine Group has signed a cooperation framework agreement with Meridodon last September and obtained the distribution rights and exclusive import rights of Monabelawee in mainland China.

According to the information of the Chinese Medicine Holdings, the first batch of Monaberlavavir Capsules went through the import process, and in the future, the company will also carry out the imports of this type of coronary virus treatment drugs according to market demandGo all out to the supply guarantee for medical supplies.

Monabevavir is a oral small molecular drug, which is used to treat adults with progress as severe high -risk factors, which is mild to moderate crown disease infection.

It is understood that Monabeville's initial offer in China is 1500 yuan per bottle (RMB, about S $ 294.6), and has been included in the tenth edition of the crown disease diagnosis and treatment plan. Medical insurance can be paid temporarilyBy the end of March this year.At present, Sinopharm Holdings is working closely with Merckon to strive to promote the pace of drug supply.In response to the characteristics of supply and demand and logistics during the Spring Festival, Sinopharm Holdings has developed imports, warehousing and national shipping plans to meet the needs of drugs for grassroots medical and health institutions in various places.