Officials from the Financial Market Department of the Bank of China confirmed that 14 large platform companies, including Ant Group, have basically completed rectification.

According to the Shanghai Securities Report China Securities Network, Ma Jianyang, the head of the Financial Market Department of the Central Bank of China on Friday (January 13) at the press conference of the State Council's Press Office, said that since November 2020, the financial management departmentGuide to urge Ant Group and other 14 large -scale platform companies to carry out rectifications such as unlicensed operations, regulatory arbitrage, disorderly expansion, and infringement of consumer rights in the past.

Ma Qianyang said that since a year of moreCompetition, consumer protection awareness has been significantly enhanced, and financial business is constantly standardized.At the same time, the financial management departments have both specimens and the construction of the regulatory system. They have introduced a series of targeted institutional documents in the fields of third -party payment, personal credit reporting, Internet deposits, insurance, and securities funds.

He also said that the normalized regulatory system framework of platform enterprises has initially formed, laying a good institutional foundation for subsequent normalized supervision.

Ma Qianyang said that the next step of the financial management department will adhere to the development and regulation of the development and support the healthy development of the platform's economy.Including continuing to promote relevant platform companies to accelerate the rectification of the remaining minority problems; improve the normalization of supervision and supervision, improve the supervision system and mechanism; and study and formulate financial support measures to promote the healthy development of the platform, support platform enterprises to improve scientific and technological innovation capabilities and service quality.

This is the second time the Chinese regulatory authorities have made the above statement.Guo Shuqing, chairman of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, said in an interview with Xinhua News Agency on January 7 that the special rectification of 14 platform corporate financial business has been basically completed, and a few leftover problems are also solving.In the future, normalized supervision will be implemented, and financial institutions will further establish the concept of "one treaty" and treat various types of ownership enterprises fairly and fairly.