Ren Jianming, a professor at the School of Public Management of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, analyzed in an interview with the Lianhe Morning Post that the Chinese official speech no longer mentioned "overwhelming victory", but highlights the anti -corruption situation.Strict and complicated, and focus on "curbing increment and removing stocks", so that the entire party has a more sober judgment on the anti -corruption situation.

China officially emphasized that anti -corruption struggle must deepen the symptoms and control, systematic governance, and promote the one -piece dare not rot, cannot rot, and do not want to rot.The analysis is expected to take the promotion of "not corruption" this year as the focus of anti -corruption work.

The second plenary session of the 20th Central Discipline Inspection Commission of the Communist Party of China, which lasted, opened in Beijing on Monday (January 9).At the opening ceremony, Chinese officials were judged during the opening ceremony. The situation of anti -corruption struggle was still severe and complicated, and the task of curbing increment and removing stocks was still arduous.

Chinese officials said in the collective study of the Politburo of the Communist Party of China last June that the anti -corruption struggle achieved an overwhelming victory and comprehensively consolidated, but the situation is still severe and complicated, and anti -corruption struggles must be carried out to the end.

Ren Jianming, a professor at the School of Public Management of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, analyzed in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the Chinese official's speech no longer mentioned "overwhelming victory", but highlighted the severe complexity of the anti -corruption situation, and focused on "On the containment of incremental and clearing the stock ", the whole party has a more sober judgment on the anti -corruption situation.

China officially emphasized that it is necessary to take the strict governance of the party as a long -term strategy and eternal topic of the Communist Party of China, and further improve the party system.It is necessary to deepen the symptoms and control, systematic governance, and promote it in one one to promote rotting, not rotting, and not wanting to rot.

He further explained that he must continue to pressurize in the dare not to rot, and always maintain zero tolerance and deterrence, and the high -pressure punishment forces are often there, and special rectification of more prominent industrial, systematic, and regional corruption issues.We must not be able to deepen the expansion on the corruption, move forward anti -corruption, deepen the source governance, strengthen the reform and system construction of the supervision mechanism in key areas, and improve the institutional mechanism of the prevention and treatment of corruption and spread.In addition, we must not consolidate and improve in rotting, and strengthen the construction of a clean culture in the new era.

further improves laws and regulations, strictly combat "political scammers"

China's official summary, we must unwilling to effectively run the dare to rot, cannot rot, and do not want to rot, further improve the laws and regulations of punishing bribery, improve the joint punishment mechanism for bribes, and severely crack down on the so -called "background" "political" politics.fraud".

Ren Jianming pointed out that compared with the more flexible "do not want to rot", the "three non -rot" is more basic in the "dare not rot" through the deterrent of the standard, and the "not corruption" that can be treated through the system.Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the standard has reached a higher level.Last month, the Politburo meeting of the Communist Party of China demanded further to eliminate corruption and breeding soil, improve the party and state supervision system, and echo the "forward -moved anti -corruption pass, deepening the source governance" in this speech.

"Instructions and lessons in the past 10 years, the efforts of not corruption are not enough, and the understanding is not enough. Therefore, while continuing to compress the standard at the cure of the standard in the future, strengthening the control from the source of the system should be the next stage of anti -corruption.One of the focus of work. "

The session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection was chaired by Li Xi, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau and Secretary of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission.On the afternoon of Monday, on behalf of the Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, Li Xi wrote an in -depth study and implementation of the 20th spirit of the party, and in the new journey, he unswervingly advance the work report of the party's comprehensive and strict party.

The official densely created momentum on the eve of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission. After the three current and retired senior officials were reported on Friday (6th), the Chinese official media CCTV will broadcast four episodes of anti -corruption on Saturday (7th).The charge, by disclosing the corruption plot of the former Minister of Justice Fu Zhenghua and the former vice chairman of the Jiangxi Provincial Political Consultative Conference Xiao Yi, highlights the determination of the Communist Party of China to promote the party.