The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China has recently reviewed the Financial Stability Law and went further from the introduction.The bill is clear that the People's Bank of China re -loan can be used to provide liquidity support for the financial stability guarantee fund.

Comprehensive financial network and securities Times reported that the 38th meeting of the 13th National People's Congress Standing Committee reviewed the Financial Stability Law of the People's Republic of China (draft)The draft financial stability law was announced.

The draft of the Financial Stability Law is clear. The goal of maintaining financial stability is to ensure the basic functions and services of financial institutions, financial markets and financial infrastructure, and continuously improve the ability of the financial system to resist risks and serve the real economy.Containment and expand financial risks to prevent systemic financial risks.

The draft pointed out that maintaining financial stability should adhere to prevention, strengthen the management and control of financial risks, comprehensively incorporate financial activities into supervision and management in accordance with the law.Plight protect the legitimate rights and interests of all parties and prevent moral risks.

Liu Guoqiang, vice president of the People's Bank of China, recently stated that the Financial Stability Law is expected to be introduced next year.This will significantly improve the ability to prevent and control major financial risks and play an important role in keeping the bottom line that does not occur without systemic financial risks.

On the 27th of this month, the draft of the Financial Stability Law was submitted to the 38th meeting of the 13th National People's Congress Standing Committee for review.In order to improve the mechanism of prevention, resolution and disposal of financial risks, and maintaining financial stability, the State Council proposed a proposal on the draft of the financial stability law for the financial stability law; on April 6 this year, the People's Bank of China disclosedsolicit opinions.

In terms of the main content, the draft of the Financial Stability Law is generally consistent with the content of the version disclosed by the central bank in early April, and some content has adjusted details.

For example, in terms of financial stability goals, the draft financial stability law has adjusted the goal of "maintaining financial institutions, financial markets, and financial infrastructure to continue to play a key functionIt is to ensure the basic functions and services of financial institutions, financial markets and financial infrastructure ". It is adjusted from" preventing the evolution of individual local risk into systemic global risks, and keeping the bottom line that does not occur without systemic financial risks "to" curb finance to contain financeRisk formation and expansion, prevent systemic financial risks. "