The National Development and Reform Commission of China proposes a series of support policies to strengthen transportation and logistics, including 10%reduction in toll -road truck trucks and reducing logistics costs.

According to China News Service, the National Development and Reform Commission of China held a press conference on Thursday (December 29) to introduce the relevant situation of the "14th Five -Year Plan" modern logistics development plan.Zhang Jiangbo, deputy director of the Economic and Trade Department of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that the level of social logistics costs in China has steadily declined. In 2021, the proportion of total social logistics costs to GDP was 14.6%, a decrease of 3.4 percentage points from 2012, which is from the gap with major economies.Continuously shrink.

However, Zhang Jiangbo also said that due to the rapid development of multiple and small batch logistics brought about by changes in production lifestyles, the cost of labor, land and other resources has continuedChallenge.In particular, in the first half of this year, due to the impact of the epidemic in the first half of this year, traffic and logistics operations were blocked, social inventory operations were operating at a high level, logistics custody costs increased significantly, and social logistics cost levels increased staging.

In this regard, the National Development and Reform Commission actively cooperates with relevant departments to study a series of support policies to strengthen transportation, logistics,192.2 billion yuan) Special loan of transportation and logistics, supporting key groups such as freight companies and drivers.

In response to the economic development situation this year, the Development and Reform Commission has also actively increased its support for the financing of logistics enterprises, coordinated through the central budget investment, local government special bonds, policy development financial instruments, manufacturing medium- and long -term loans, and medium- and long -term loans of manufacturing, and medium- and long -term loans of manufacturing.The pilot of real estate investment trust funds in the infrastructure field supports the construction of relevant logistics infrastructure projects, reduce the pressure of financing costs for logistics enterprises, and help reduce the level of social logistics cost.

Zhang Jiangbo said that in order to further promote the reduction of logistics costs and better support the high -quality development of the real economy, the plan will "promote the improvement of logistics quality and increase cost reduction" as the "14th Five -Year Plan" period of modern logistics development.The important task is proposed that by 2025, the ratio of total social logistics and GDP will decrease by about two percentage points from 2020.

In this regard, the planning focus has increased policy guidance from three dimensions.

First, consolidate the results of tax cuts and fees.Implement the issued logistics tax reduction policy, promote electronic invoices in the modern logistics field, and implement preferential tax policies such as the reduction of half levy for urban land use tax for land use of commodity storage facilities for logistics enterprises, and the purchase tax of the purchase of trailers.

The second is to highlight the quality improvement and efficiency.Focus on focusing on the entire chain cost reduction and systematic reduction cost, emphasizing that it will promote the reduction of social logistics costs by improving the quality of logistics development and increasing the efficiency of logistics.

Third is to promote the deeper reduction cost.Promote the deep integration of the logistics industry and the manufacturing industry, promote the coordinated development of enterprises, promote the development of facilities, and support ecological integration and development.Accelerate inventory turnover and reduce social logistics storage and management costs.