Citizens of Macau and Shenzhen have recently circulated statements on social platforms, saying that they will disinfect in a large area in the evening, asking residents to close the doors and windows and bring the items outside the house back to the house.The epidemic prevention and control departments issued a statement on Friday (December 23).

According to the Hong Kong Sing Tao Daily, according to the WeChat screenshot of the Shenzhen Health and Health Commission, the official statement said that the official will disinfect through airdrops through aircraft airdrops. The effect of disinfection on the lungs of the human body is called on people not to open the window.The Shenzhen Health Commission subsequently issued a statement saying that the news was a rumor, calling on the public to believe that rumors did not spread rumors.

Macau also circulates similar remarks. The Macau Epidemium Response Coordination Center solemnly pointed out that online rumors are pure rumors, emphasizing that Macau has not held a measure of big disinfection in the city, calling on residents, Let alone fabricate false news to disrupt public order, rumors and rumors may need to bear criminal responsibility.

Macau officially emphasized that the spread of new coronary viruses is mainly through the inhalation of the air -soluble and infected with the air -soluble in the air -in -spaced airway or a closed space.Infection; drying the U -shaped duct U -shaped tube may cause the virus to spread through the sewage duct.The main methods of prevention include wearing a mask, shaving hands, increasing fresh air in the room, and cleaning and disinfected hands, where they are often exposed to the water, and daily watering in the water outlet; therefore, the city's large disinfection is not helpful to the prevention and control of the epidemic.