A spokesman for the German Embassy in Beijing, saying, for a spokesperson for the Embassy in Beijing, it is in the German Embassy in Beijing.The Pfizer Vaccine (Mainland China and Hong Kong Calculating Bitai and Taiwan Calculating BNT) provided by Chinese and German citizens have arrived in the embassy, and the vaccination event will start "as soon as possible."

According to Reuters, a spokesman said that the total of 1500 doses of the crown vaccine arrived in the embassy on Thursday (December 22).The vaccine will be stored in the embassy until the vaccination event officially begins.

The spokesman said that the embassy hopes that the first vaccination will be launched as soon as possible.

Pfizer vaccine is a coronary vaccine jointly developed by Pfizer and Germany Biontech.This will be the first batch of foreign vaccines received by China.

The German Chancellor Tsutz announced on November 4 this year that China would allow China to vaccinate Foreign Foreigners in China.He said at the time that China and Germany agreed to cooperate closely to fight against the epidemic, and urged Beijing to allow Chinese citizens to take over.