After large-scale crown disease infection in China, more more crown diseaseAdjust the final examination arrangements for the primary and middle school semester, some schools cancel the exam, and some are postponed until the next semester.

According to the Beijing Youth Daily, Sichuan Chengdu reported on Thursday (December 22) that in all grades and junior high schools in primary schools and junior high schools, and special education schools did not organize the final exam at the end of the semester.After the opening of the spring of 2023, schools can be evaluated according to the actual learning of the students.

In addition, the research examination for high school and second grade is postponed until the opening of 2023.The first diagnostic test in the third grade was postponed until January 9-10, 2023.

Member of the Education Working Committee of the Chengdu Municipal Party Committee and the Governor of Chengdu Municipal People's Government Shi Bin said at the press conference that the reasons for adjusting the teaching arrangements at the end of the semester mainly considers the current epidemic situation and the shortage of manpower.

He said that there are still a large number of teachers and students and employees in the city. After some teachers and students are infected, their bodies are still recovering, and they will take a period of time to recover and recover.After the different discipline teachers are sick, the school's teaching organization is also under great pressure.

In addition to Chengdu, there have been recent adjustments to the final examination arrangements of local schools in many places.

In Zhejiang, the Hangzhou Education Bureau also issued a notice on Thursday stating that the final exam is no longer organized in the first and second grades, and the process evaluation can be adopted to comprehensively evaluate the semester results.The final test of the third grade is temporarily postponed to the next semester.

In Shanghai, the final exams of this semester in all grades can be comprehensively evaluated in conjunction with students 'classroom performance and normal homework. Other grades are encouraged to combine comprehensive evaluation of students' classroom performance and normal homework.

From December 19, Shanghai Elementary and Middle Schools have been adjusted to online teaching except for the third and third grades.In the third and third grades, students in the third grade go to school normally, and they can also apply for home study voluntarily.The kindergarten (including the ethics institutions, the nursery) also stops the kindergarten into the park.