In order to cope with this round of epidemic, the China National Drug Administration has launched an emergency approval process to speed up the review and approval of drugs for crown diseases.

According to the Hong Kong News Agency, Huang Guo, deputy director of the China State Drug Administration, said at a special press conference on the quality and quality preservation quality of the immune -related drugs and medical supplies held on Tuesday (December 20).In order to provide more and better "weapons" for the prevention and control of the epidemic, the Pharmaceutical Supervision Bureau has launched emergency approval procedures in accordance with laws and regulations to accelerate the review and approval of drugs for clinical diagnosis and treatment of coronary diseases.

Huang Guo said that the pharmaceutical supervision bureau also issued a notice with hygiene and health, Chinese medicine management and other departments, requiring provincial drug regulatory departments to apply for rapid approval for the application of preparations for children's medical institutions.In principle, the approval shall be completed within three working days.He pointed out that the adjustment of some hospitalized and easy -to -use hospitals can serve patients more quickly.

Introduction of Huang Guo, at present, the drug supervision bureau has attached five coronary vaccines, and eight other vaccines have been incorporated into emergency use after demonstrating the consent of the relevant departments;128 reagents.He proposed that for the products that have been listed but needed to expand the supply, the drug regulatory authorities at all levels will adopt advance services to speed up the approval procedures after the listing of drugs, and allow enterprises to adopt various methods such as commission production to quickly increase production and expansion.

In terms of drugs, Huang Guo introduced that according to statistics, there are 194 types of drugs such as anti -fever, cough, antibacterial, and antivirals that have been listed in China, involving more than 9,000 approval numbers.Among them, in response to the production of commonly used drugs such as ibuprofen and the production of acetaminol, he pointed out that according to the annual report data of 2021, there were 446 effective text numbers of Buromfen, of which 2021 was in 2021 in the 2021 in the 2021, in 2021, in 2021, in 2021, in 2021104 are produced; there are 986 effective text numbers for acetaminol, of which 111 are produced in 2021.

Huang Guo also said that the current two varieties of production agent companies are gradually releasing production capacity.At the same time, China's ibuprofen and the raw material for the acetaminophenophenophenophenophen phenolic materials are relatively sufficient, which can meet the production needs of domestic preparations.