Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines Huang Xilian said that China and the Philippines must adhere to the difference, eliminate the interference factors, and negotiate through bilateral friendship.Seeking peaceful solutions to differences will not allow differences to affect the overall relationship between the two countries.Not According to a press release issued on the official website on Monday (December 12) of the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines, Huangxi Lian was invited to attend the Sino -Philippine Relations Seminar jointly hosted by the University of Athena Yayao University and Jinan University on the 12th.And delivered a keynote speech.Not Huang Xilian reviewed the history of China -Philippines friendly exchanges in his speech, emphasizing that "history is the best teacher". China -Philippine friendly cooperation has always been the mainstream of the relationship between the two countries and an irreversible trend.Not He also said that this year, China and the Philippines have completed their major domestic political agenda respectively.The development of the Philippine Relations is set.Not Huang Xilian pointed out that Chinese President Xi Jinping and the Philippine President Marcos successfully met in Bangkok in November to create an important consensus to create a stronger and close bilateral relationship."China is willing to work with the Philippines to implement the important consensus of the two heads of state, and promote the comprehensive strategic cooperative relationship between the two countries to the new level."

Huangxi Lian also put forward three suggestions on the future development of China and Philippines.Throughout the four key areas of practical agriculture, infrastructure, energy, and humanities.China looks forward to the Philippines as an important partner of China's modernization, sharing China's oversized market opportunities, institutional open opportunities, and deepening international cooperation opportunities.Not The second is to promote the communication of the people, continue to have more realistic cultural exchanges, and consolidate the foundation of friendship and public opinion in the Philippines.Not Third is to adhere to the differences in the preferably and exclude the interference factors of China -Philippine relations.Put differences in the proper position of China -Philippine relations, and seek peaceful solutions through bilateral friendship and negotiation, so as not to allow it to affect or even abduct the two countries' relations.Not According to the Chinese press release, the Philippine Foreign Minister Assistant to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Seminar said that the stable and booming Philippine -China relations are vital to the Philippines and are one of the best directions for the Philippines diplomacy.The Macos government will continue to promote the establishment of a stronger relationship with China.