Shenzhen public transportation, pharmacies, parks, etc.Nucleic acids, Chengdu, Beijing, and Chongqing announced that public transportation checks the report of nucleic acid reports.

The Shenzhen Shenzhen Municipal Transportation Bureau issued a notice on Saturday (December 3) to adjust the public transportation in the city, take bus, subway, taxi, online taxi and other transportation, scan the yard,Check the green code of the health code and no longer check the nucleic acid detection certificate.

The notice also reminds citizens to continue to strengthen self -protection, wear masks throughout the activities during public places, maintain social distance, and be the first person in charge of personal health.Please take the main responsibility for bus, subway, taxi, online car rental and other transportation managers in cities, and implement the requirements of the epidemic prevention and control.

The Shenzhen Market Supervision Bureau issued a notice on the same day. Entering the farmer's market must scan the yard, check the 72 -hour nucleic acid negative certificate; enter the pharmacy to scan the yard, check the health code green code, no longer check the nucleic acid test certificateEssence

Notice reminds the public to continue to strengthen self -protection, wear masks throughout the activities during public places, maintain social distance, and be the first person in charge of personal health.The farmers' market and pharmacy operators are requested to take the main responsibility and implement the requirements of the epidemic prevention and control.

In addition, Shenzhen will enter the park and botanical gardens to adjust it: scan the yard, check the health code green code, and no longer check the nucleic acid test certificate.

In addition to Shenzhen, there are also notifications on Friday in Chengdu, Tianjin, Beijing, and Chongqing on Friday to relax the report of public traffic inspection nucleic acid reports.

According to the "Chengdu Release" WeChat public account on Friday (December 2), the Chengdu Metro issued the latest operation announcement on the same day: According to the latest epidemic prevention and control requirements, from the day ofThe test report, but when the citizen passengers enter the station, they must take the initiative to scan the site code. The health code is actively present before the gate. With the green code, you must wear a mask through the subway.

Chengdu Metro reminds: Although no longer check the nuclear acid negative proof, the majority of citizens and passengers must improve their vigilance, do not relax their protection, and be the first responsible person of their health.

The official Weibo "Tianjin Metro Operation" of Tianjin Rail Transit Operation Group Co., Ltd. released news in the afternoon. According to the requirements of the epidemic prevention and control work, take the Tianjin rail transit from now on and cancel the 72 -hour nucleic acid certificate inspection.Please cooperate with the health code, sweep the yard, measure the body temperature into the station, and wear masks throughout the journey to strengthen self -protection and health management.

Before that, the Tianjin Metro has recently relaxed nucleic acid inspection many times.On November 28, a 24 -hour kernel acid negative certificate was required to take the subway.On November 29th, a 48 -hour kernel acid negative certificate was checked on the subway.

The Beijing Municipal Transportation Commission has released optimized management measures on the same afternoon: Since the first bus on December 5th (Monday), bus and subway operating enterprises must not refuse 48 hours when verifying health information.Passengers of nucleic acid negative proof.

The Beijing Municipal Communications Commission stated that bus and subway operating enterprises should further strengthen the ventilation and disinfection of stations, vehicles, buses, and subway trains. The staff should wear masks to ensure that they are passed by carThe environment is safe and reliable.At the same time, combined with passenger travel needs, continuously optimize operation organization scheduling, strengthen the guidance of on -site order, and ensure that passengers enter and exit their stations quickly.When you are urged to ask the masses to wear a mask all the way to do a good job of personal protection.Bus and subway operating enterprises will strengthen inspections and timely remind passengers who have not standardized wearing masks.

The press conference of the Chongqing Municipal Government News Office held a press conference on the prevention and control of the crown disease.The place requires 72 -hour nucleic acid negative proof.