China's official visit to the European politicians revealed that the weakening of the mutant strain of Omicor Rong was a way for China to relax the control of epidemics.

The President of the European Council Michelle on Thursday (December 1) in Beijing with official talks with China.Agence France -Presse quoted senior European officials at the meeting that when Michelle asked recent demonstrations in China, Chinese official response said that the three -year epidemic prevention has made the Chinese people feel frustrated.

Chinese officials say that China is currently circulating in Omecko's mutant strains, which is far lower than Delta mutant strains.Done.

This is the first time that the outside world has heard the fatal weakening of the Chinese comments from the Chinese comments of Omiko's mutant strains and determined that China's relaxation of epidemic prevention.The official Chinese speech was consistent with the tone of the Chinese Vice Premier Sun Chunlan's speech this week.

Sun Chunlan, who is responsible for the prevention and control of China's epidemic, mentioned that the pathogenic force of Omikon virus was mentioned twice on Wednesday and Thursday (November 30, December 1).She emphasized: "With the weakening of the pathogenicity of Omikho virus, the popularization of vaccination, and the accumulation of the experience of preventing and control, my country's epidemic prevention and control facing a new situation and new tasks."

Sun Chunlan also said that after nearly three years of resistance, the Chinese medical and health system has been tested. It has effective diagnosis and treatment techniques and drugs, especially Chinese medicine.The improvement of health awareness and literacy, coupled with the weakening of the pathogenic force of Omikon virus, has created conditions for further optimization and improvement of prevention and control measures.She requires the prevention and control work to steadily advance, the prevention and control policies continue to optimize, and walk a small step.

Chinese official media also began to build momentum to relax the control of the epidemic.Xinhua News Agency issued three comments on December 2nd, emphasizing the fast -sealing and solution, the solution should be solved, and the scope of the epidemic was minimized, and the impact was minimized.China News Agency subsequently published an article on December 2 that Sun Chunlan's "new situation and new task" said, revealing that the situation of China's epidemic prevention and control has changed.

The People's Daily, which had continuously published a continuous comment, requested the strict control of the epidemic. On December 1, it was also reported that Guangzhou, Kunming, Shijiazhuang, Chongqing and other places "continued optimization of epidemic prevention and control measures" to continuously improve scientific and precise prevention and control capabilities.

Analysts believe that Sun Chunlan and the official media have changed their tubes, showing that the officials began to relax the severe sealing measures that were previously adhered to.Recently, people from all over China have become increasingly disgusted with severe control. In some places, the conflict between residents and prevention and control personnel has affected social stability. Officials must prevent conflicts from spreading.There is no intermediate route between strict control and letting go. Once the measures are loosened in large areas, and then re -controlling will cause the people to rebound a greater rebound. The official can only move in the direction of gradually letting go.

Although the number of infected people every day is still high, some major cities such as Guangzhou, Chongqing, Shenzhen, Zhengzhou, Shijiazhuang, and Tianjin have begun to relax and control.

Some official media have also reported to report the weakening of coronary virus hazards.The Global Times reported on December 1 that a validated research data from the domestic scientific research team showed that compared with the original strain of coronary virus and the subsequent mutant strains, the pathogenicity of the mutant strain of Omikon was presented.The geometric number decreases.China News Weekly stated that after the vaccination, and Omikon's toxicity was so low, more than 99%of the infected people were asymptomatic or mild, and it was unlikely that the sequelae of crown disease would occur.

But some local governments said they should persist in strict control.The initiative issued a proposal on December 1st, Jinzhou City, Liaoning, saying that since it has been persisted for 10 days, don't give up easily;

Many netizens refute that Jinzhou is currently closed according to the community, community, and even the streets. It is obvious that the requirements of the central government's high -risk areas should be implemented to specific units and buildings.

Under the pressure of public opinion, Jinzhou officially announced that starting at 6 am on December 2, the city's main urban area has resumed the order of production and life in an orderly manner.