Chongqing City, one of the severe disaster -stricken areas of China, will allow close contact with qualified home isolation.

According to the surging news report, Yang Lin, deputy secretary -general of the Chongqing Municipal Government and a spokesman for the municipal government, said at a press conference on Wednesday (November 30) that Chongqing will carry out in accordance with the principles of science and precisionInvestigation of epidemiological diseases, strictly implement the ninth edition prevention and control plan and further optimize the "Article 20" measures for the prevention and control of the epidemic, and to accurately and accurately determine the close contact in a timely and accurate determination.The criteria of the contact.For those who are closely coming, the home isolation isolates the home isolation conditions.

Li Fly, deputy director of the Chongqing Municipal Health and Health Committee, also said at the same press conference that for some special crowds, such as serious basic diseases, some elderly people, some pregnant women may still be onWomen during breastfeeding, like these special situations, have conditions at home, can beolate home.

He continued to say that the conditions of the home live alone and have a separate room. It is best to have an independent bathroom.During home isolation, do not have contact with your family and dine alone in the room.

Chongqing is one of the serious disaster -stricken areas of this round of epidemic. Chongqing City has added 164 local confirmed cases and 7669 local symptomatic infection cases on Tuesday (29th) on Tuesday (29th).