Liu Qiangdong, chairman of the Board of Directors of JD Group, announced that a new round of reforms will be launched within the internal retail of JD, and personnel and architecture will be opened.

According to the surging news on Thursday (November 24), Liu Qiangdong accepted in a high -level meeting in the middle and high -level conferences on November 20, announcing that at the end of this yearPerform the last elimination.However, this policy is not newly launched this year, but has been implemented in 2019.

According to the late LatePost report, at the meeting, Liu Qiangdong criticized some of the management of JD, saying that the executives deviated from the core of the business strategy, that is, three points, efficiency, and experience, and the experience will be further detailed.It turns into three aspects: product, price, and service.

In addition, on November 23, JD Retail opened a large -scale personnel adjustment internally, and the posts of many presidents changed.For the home appliance home business group and computer communication business group.It is understood that the business group is one of the most powerful business groups in JD Retail. In the third quarter of this year, its revenue in accounted for nearly 60%.

Previously, on November 22, Liu Qiangdong's internal letters have aroused external attention.In the letter, Liu Qiangdong said that since January 1, 2023, all senior management personnel above the JD Group and the corresponding P/T sequences above the corresponding P/T sequence have reduced cash salary by 10%-20%.The more height drops.

In addition, in order to improve the benefits of grassroots employees and minimize the pressure of the company at the same time, since January 1, 2023, the cash salary of the senior managers of Jingdong Group ranges by 10%-20%.The more height drops.

It is reported that from the perspective of the industry, many intensive measures of Liu Qiangdong recently showed that Liu Qiangdong still dominated within Jingdong.On April 7 this year, JD Group announced that Xu Lei, president of JD Group, will be the CEO of Jingdong Group, responsible for daily operation management, and report to Liu Qiangdong; Liu Qiangdong will put more energy into long -term strategic design and major strategyDecision and deployment, young leader training, and rural revitalization.

Earlier November 18, the third quarter financial report released by JD showed that achieved total revenue of 243.5 billion yuan (RMB, the same below, about 46.72 billion yuan), an increase of 11.4%year -on -year.The net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders was 6 billion yuan, and the net loss was 2.8 billion yuan in the same period last year; the net profit of ordinary shareholders under the non -US general accounting standards was 10 billion yuan, and it was 5 billion yuan in the same period last year.

In the conference call in the financial report, Xu Lei said that this year's profit of is mainly reflected in the "cost reduction" in "reduction and efficiency", and it will focus on "improving efficiency" after the Ming Dynasty.Essence"It can be confirmed that although this year's epidemic has caused many companies in many companies, it should be good in the future, and there have been signs of recovery. It is not sure how fast the recovery speed will be. For managementThe strategic direction and maintained investment. "

As of the close of November 24, the Jingdong Port stock account closed at HK $ 200 (S $ 35.15), down 2.06%.