The French Chamber of Commerce said that the implementation results of Article 20 of Article 20 of China's officials have not met the expectations of French enterprises in China in China.Necess and excessive restrictions.

The French Embassy in China on Thursday (November 24) posted on the official Weibo that China's "dynamic clearing" policy has affected French companies in China (providing 570,000 employment in China in Chinapost).French companies welcomes 20 measures to optimize prevention and control work announced by China on November 11. This move will greatly reduce the negative impact of epidemic prevention on economic activities and people's lives, and let French companies in China see that bilateral economic and trade exchanges will be further restored to further recover.Hope.

But the article states that "good policies also need to be implemented and implemented uniformly in various places, and cannot be added layer by layer and superimposed policies of mutual contradictions."The French Chamber of Commerce and Industry noticed that the actual implementation results have not met the expectations of French companies in China since the policy announced more than 10 days.

The article states that China's domestic business travel is still seriously limited. The current policy has made business travel among Chinese cities extremely difficult. Many companies have canceled major events such as the "Expo"The number of participants is reduced, and many cities have a layer of additional phenomenon, which seriously affects the normal business exchanges of Chinese companies.

The article also states that the entry isolation time stipulated in Article 20 is a five -day hotel isolation and a three -day home isolation, but in reality, it is difficult to implement this measure, because many cities have layers of layers to increase the layer by layer.The phenomenon of avoiding responsibility.Regarding the unclear regulations for arriving abroad, these issues have affected many French companies' decisions to come to China.The relationship between the headquarters and the French enterprises in China has severely blocked, affecting the confidence of French enterprises' investment in China.

In addition, the article also mentioned that the limited trend of local business activities in the city is getting worse.The article said that the internal control messages inside the cities are unclear, the traceability time is too long, and the processing method is cut, resulting in unpredictable seal control.Recently, the number of people who have been isolated or home has increased a lot, which seriously affects the daily work of Chinese companies.

The last article says that the most important thing is that the Chamber of Commerce reiterated that French companies hope to see that Chinese officials can formulate a clear strategy in the near future and get out of the "dynamic clear zero" policy as soon as possible.For French companies, it still has a pivotal role. China is still an important driving force for French companies and French brands.In order to make the trade and two -way investment between China and France's two -way investment, the transparent, expected and fair business environment is indispensable.