Chinese official and Indonesian President Zoko on Wednesday (November 16) at Nusha Duwa, Bali Island, to witness the Jakarta -Bandung High -speed Railway jointly built by the two countries through a video connection(Yawan High Speed Rail) Test operation.

According to Youtube live broadcast of the Presidential Palace of Indonesia, the Indonesian Marine and Investment Minister Luhut said before the trial operation that the construction of the Yawan high -speed railway has reached 80.40%. It is expected to be put into operation in mid -2023.The opening ceremony was attended with Zakko.

Zoko mentioned in a public conversation after the meeting that he was optimistic about the operation of the Yawan high -speed rail in June 2023.

Chinese officials said that the results of the Chinese and Indian work such as the Yawan high -speed rail not only benefit the people of the two countries, but also have a positive impact on the regional and global levels, setting a model for developing countries, mutual benefit and win -win results.

The Yawan high -speed rail is an iconic project of cooperation between China and Indonesia under the "Belt and Road" initiative. The entire line uses Chinese technology and standards. The 11 sets of high -speed EMUs used in China are manufactured in China.However, it has experienced many delays since the start of 2016, and began to laid in July 2022.

When Zoko visited Beijing at the end of July, when the official Chinese official was visited, the press release of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs mentioned that the two sides agreed to make the Yawan high -speed rail "on time and finish high quality."

The Yawan high -speed rail connects the Indonesian capital Jakarta and the fourth largest city Bandung, with a total length of 142 kilometers and a maximum design speed of 350 kilometers per hour.After opening, Jaca reaches Bandung to shorten from more than three hours to 40 minutes.

However, before the G20 Summit of the 20th Group (G20), Indonesian news website reported that this railway that cost $ 6 billion (S $ 8.2 billion) had been overdue.Apply for a loan of 1.61 trillion Indonesian Shield (about 1.41 billion yuan).