Chinese President Xi Jinping said when he met with the United Nations Secretary of the United Nations, Gutres, said that the current global development process is facing unprecedented challenges, and the development of the development of the international agenda should be placed, and it is called on countries to say.

According to the China Official Media People's Daily, on Wednesday (November 16), local time, Xi Jinping met with the UN Secretary -General Guterres during the attendance of the G20 Summit of the G20 (G20) summit on WednesdayEssence

Xi Jinping said that the current international situation has changed significantly, and it must be focused on human future and fate.He pointed out that, especially in large powers, they should lead by example and play a leading role, and mostly inject confidence and strength into the world.

Xi Jinping said that China is a firm supporter of the United Nations as the core international system.To achieve world peace, the purpose and principles of the UN Charter must be observed, and the reasonable and safe concerns of various countries must pay attention to.

He pointed out that the current global development process is facing unprecedented challenges, and developing countries, especially vulnerable countries, have been severely impacted.All countries should place development in the center of the international agenda, cultivate new kinetic energy global development, build a global development partnership, promote the achieve stronger, green, and healthy global development, so that the development results of development are more fair and more fair and benefit every country and everyone.Essence

Xi Jinping also said that in this regard, countries should say that they have done more transcripts instead of shouting slogans.China is willing to strengthen cooperation with the United Nations to jointly promote the real results of global development initiatives and global security initiatives.He said that China will promote the overall progress of human beings with Chinese -style modernization, bring new opportunities in the world with the new development of China, and provide more stability and certainty for the turbulent world.China will continue to adhere to real multilateralism and firmly support the work of the United Nations.

Reporting Guteres said that developing countries are experiencing one crisis after another, such as food, energy, and climate change. Global development inequality and imbalance are very serious.The United Nations highly appreciates China's adherence to polymerology.

It is reported that Gutres said that the global development initiative proposed by China fits the UN 2030 Sustainable Development AD. In terms of helping developing countries, China's efforts are incomparable.The United Nations is willing to work closely with China, and it is expected that China will play a more important role in maintaining world peace and development.He also said that the United Nations firmly supports the "one China" principle. The "one China" principle is the red line that cannot be touched and must be respected.